
www.zige365.com 2009-7-30 14:55:48 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
  approximately 40 minutes (including 10 minutes’ transfer time)
  Part one:
  Question 1-12
  You will hear a spokesperson telling a group of business people about the Business Support Agency------an organization which distributes business and research grants.
  . As you listen, for questions 1-12. complete the notes, using up to three words or a number.
  .After you have listened once, replay the recording.
  The business support agency (BSA)
  Who we are
  1 BSA receives financial support from the Department of ______________________
  2 And some ___________________companies
  3 Examples of work are shown in the __________________________________________
  4 BSA made __________________________________________ last year
  How to apply
  5(i) Contact the__________________________________________ Office on 0188454545
  (ii) Complete the form, including.
  History of company
  Details of requirements
  6, __________________________________________
  7(ii) Meet one of the agency’s __________________________________________
  8 (Iv) Write a plan, including all _____________________ and _____________________
  What happens next
  9 the final decision is taken by the __________________________________________
  10 successful applicants can expect to receive_____________________ of the funding needed from the BSA
  11 Money will be paid in _____________________
  12 Companies will need to produce a _____________________ at the end of the year
  Part two
  Question 13-22
  ●You will hear five different people talking about changing their jobs.
  ●For each extract there are two tasks, For Task One , choose the reason for changing jobs from the list A-H .For Task Two, choose the problem area in the new workplace from the list A –H
  ●After you have listened once, reply the recording
  Task one—Reason for changing jobs
  ●For questions 13-17 ,match the extracts with the reasons, listed A –H
  ●For each extract, choose the reason each speaker mentions.
  ●write one letter A-H next to the number of the extract
  A to escape from monotony
  B to reduce travel time
  C to improve promotion opportunities
  D to increase time spent doing research
  E to experience a flatter company structure
  F to acquire a more creative role
  H to make better use of qualifications
  Task Two- Pro
  blem area in the new workplace
  ●For question 18-22, match the extracts with the problem areas in the new workplace , listed A – H.
  ●For each extract, choose the negative aspect each speaker mentions.
  ●Write one letter A –H next to the number of the extract.
  A internal communication
  B colleagues’ time management
  C type of training
  D IT support
  E performance appraisal procedures.
  F quality of office equipment
  G secretarial assistance
  H clarity of company strategy

本新闻共9页,当前在第7页  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  

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