
www.zige365.com 2009-7-30 14:55:48 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
  Questions9– 14
  l Read the text about training progammes.
  l Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps .
  l For each gap 9– 14, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet .
  l Do not use any letter more than once .
  l There is an example at the beginning .(0)
  Learning by doing is familiar to every manager sent on a training course. Invariably this involves role-play based on studies of long-ago triumphs and disasters from a relevant industry or organization. (0)_H_ The problem is, any experience of decision-making gained from role-play has one obvious shortcoming: it is not real life.
  To tackle this dilemma, some of the best-known companies have set up the International Management Development Consortium, which provides a range of executive development programmes for staff members. (9)____ What this means is that they involve ‘action learning’ through real-life situations, and participants work as problem-solving consultants on projects within companies engaged in day-to-day business.
  (10)____ Within this they also take training and refresher courses in traditional business skills such as finance, marketing, staff management and strategic planning. These disciplines are taught by a mix of academics, business people and senior managers from Consortium companies who also monitor the consultancy work.
  More than 100 of these consultancy projects have been undertaken so far, and many more are to come. (11)____ Generally, those who choose to attend the course come from various countries, reflecting the multi-national nature of companies within the Consortium. (12)____ As a result of this cross-cultural exchange, the people on the course learn a great deal from each other- and often keep in contact on a professional level long after the end of their course.
  The Consortium says language difficulties are not a problem when consultancies are undertaken for foreign companies on site. A translator is on hand to deal with difficulties which arise from technical terms or jargon.
  (13)____ This is because they are not charged consultancy fees, although a nominal sum is payable for administration. The funding for the scheme is provided by each Consortium member who contributes to the cost of running the training courses, and the amount involved is considerably less than fees charged by leading business schools. (14)____ ‘it is,’ says the Chairman, ‘a real learning experience with techniques that can easily be used back at work..’
  Example :
  0A B C D E F G H
  A They are being offered by companies who are aware of the benefits of the range of knowledge offered by the people on the course.
  B As well as the savings, there are also the dividends it pays in the form of improved staff performance.
  C The difference between these programmes and the average executive course, however, is that these courses are based on the concept of ‘live’ consultancy.
  D In this way, participants can also benchmark themselves against the best members from a range of Consortium companies.
  E This means that within every training group there will be a wide variety of experience, which is discussed and explored by the group.
  F Typically, groups of up to six course members undertake projects as part of this development programme.
  G Another major advantage is that these companies usually get their problems solved very cheaply.
  H Managers are typically cast as key figures in these dramas, the comparisons are made later between how they dealt with the fictional situation and the actual event.

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