
www.zige365.com 2013-12-30 17:04:30 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  W: That' s easy. I gave up smoking threeyears ago.
  M:Right. You know, I should too.
  W:Yeah,I' ve held that before.
  M:No, No, really. I' m going to. But fornow I' d have to say, yes. OK. No. 2 : Do you have a check-up at your doctor' soffice at least once a year'?
  W:Yeah, the company makes us go to thedoctor every year. How about you?
  M:Well, I went to the doctor...let' ssee...about three years ago.
  W:You should go more often.
  M:Well, let's move on to No. 7: Do you workmore than ten hours a day?
  W: No, but you' ve been working a lotlately.
  M: I' m really tired. I should work a lotless. But we' ve been busy though.
  W:You really should slow down.
  M: It' s not that easy. Last question: Doyou worry a lot in your life?
  W:Worry a lot? Yeah. I guess I' d have tosay yes. I should rest more.
  M:I definitely should rest more. You knowwhat? It' s surprising I' m not dead already.
  Text 10
  M:Well, I guess there are three things thatI cannot live without. You saw me playing with my new toy just now. It' s myiPod touch and it is great. I often take long bus journeys at the weekend. Andon this little thing I can watch a movie, and that just makes bus journeys flyby. It also has wireless Internet so I can carry it around, and in a coffeeshop I can check my email. And it is also able to play music, although I don' tlisten to music much. That' s one. My iPod touch is with me all the time. It' skind of connected to my No. 2. No. 2 is the Internet. I couldn' t live withoutthe Internet. I'm online every day reading newspapers, checking out informationabout things I want to do or see that day, keeping in touch with family andfriends, although I don' t do that as much as they would like. The Internet issuch a huge part of my life. I can' t imagine what it was like ten or fifteenyears ago when nobody was online. No. 3, I suppose, is the sun which sounds abit meaning less because everything on earth requires the sun. But for me, it's not so much about getting what plants and animals get from the sun. It' sjust being able to en-joy the soft warmth, lying by the pool, letting my mindbe empty and clear. Those are my three. How about you?


  21.C【精析】句意:——特雷西允许你待在她家还不必付钱吗?——我希望!本题考查的是情景英语。I do意为“是的”,I know意为“我知道”,I wish意为“我希望”,I agree意为“我同意”。故C正确。
  22.A【精析】句意:她太累了,坐在椅子上就睡着了。本题考查的是非谓语动词。非谓语动词在此作状语,表示伴随状态。现在分词表示主动的和正在进行的状态,而过去分词表示被动的和已经完成的状态。根据句意可知,此处表示的动作在时间上与谓语动词(fell asleep)同时发生,应该使用现在分词。故A正确。
  【知识拓展】分词作状语一般表示伴随,而不定式常常表示目的。如:They stood bythe road—side talking about the plan.他们站在路边谈论着这个计划。(talkingabout…作伴随状语)They stood by the roadside to talk aboutthe plan.他们站在路边为的是谈论这个计划。(to talk about…作目的状语)
  23.C【精析】句意:我想对每一个帮助我们成功举办会议的人说一声谢谢。本题考查的是定语从句中关系代词的用法。分析句子结构可知,——has helped to make our meeting a great success是一个定语从句,修饰everyone这个先行词。that,who和whom都可以在定语从句中修饰人,但是当先行词为everyone时,常用wh0来修饰。故C正确。

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