5. Watch our TV shows Sometimes we watch really stupid TV that we’re embarrassed to watch in front of anyone else — let alone someone that we really like. We’re talking reality television that makes the Kardashian family look like they deserve a show and movies that make chick flicks look like war documentaries. If you ever walk in on us changing the station quickly to ESPN, then please don’t ask what we were watching before and why we’re sobbing over SportsCenter. 5.看比较傻的电视节目 有的时候我们的确会去看那种傻傻的电视连续剧,我们自己都不好意思在其他人面前看——除非这个人我们真正喜欢。是啊是啊,我说的就是那些无聊的真人秀和拍得好像是战争纪录片的电影。所以……如果你哪天走进来发现我们瞬间转台到ESPN(体育台),那可千万别问我们之前看的是什么、还有别问!怎么我们会看体育台。 6. Poop Believe it or not (and many choose not to) some women have the ability to poop. And we use the exact same kind of bathroom you do! However many of us will run out of your house and go to the nearest gas station before we’ll use your toilet. Installing a porta-potty outside your house covered in sound proof material and filling it with at least 6 air fresheners is a great way to make us feel comfortable living together. 6. 便便 随你相不相信(很多人还是选择不信)女生也会便便。而且,我们就在你的浴室里干这事儿!当然,我们中间有很多人的确会选择去离你家最近的加油站解决这个问题。所以我们如果要住在一起,那最好你能在你的房子外面建一个简易厕所,在里面装上音效(以掩盖某种声音),并且放6个空气清新器,这样,我们才会真的放心。 |