
www.zige365.com 2010-1-11 18:09:55 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
  Moving in together is a huge step for any couple. While the guy might worry his Xbox will be replaced with a stack of Oprah magazines, we’re stressing about losing all of our privacy. It’s not that we don’t want to spend every single waking moment together — it’s more like we don’t want you to realize that we have flaws, quirks, and normal body functions.
  1. Eat messy foods
  A good date centers around good food, great conversation, and fantastic foreplay under the table. We don’t want to ruin the mood by slurping up spaghetti, gnawing on a piece of sushi, or stabbing ourselves in the eye with a tricky kabab stick. Save us some trouble by picking a place with bite-sized sauce-free food like carrots or ice shavings.
  1. 马虎就餐
  2. Have Gas
  It’s clinically proven that gas is the fastest killer of a romantic night. Couples instantly go from being wrapped around each other naked to sleeping on opposite ends of the bed wearing nightgowns over flannel pajamas. Please do us a huge favor by letting us blame any unexplainable noises and lingering smells on the dog — even if you don’t have a dog.
  2. 公开放屁
  3. Facebook Stalk
  Some women use Facebook to stay in touch with friends, as well as to see who gained the most weight since high school. Other women use it to legally stalk ex-boyfriends, one-time hook-ups, and crushes. We fully acknowledge that we’re absolutely batshit insane, yet we have trouble stopping ourselves from completing our daily ritual. Help us not embarrass ourselves by lying to us and saying you don’t have the internet because you don’t believe in using it — and for your own sake, never let us know you have Facebook.
  3. 上Facebook
  很多女生都通过Facebook和朋友保持联系,当然也是借此了解毕业后自己是不是还有人记得。不过还有一些女生用它来联系一下前男友啦,搞搞419 (for one night)啦,或是耍点小暧昧。我们完全承认这是不对的!但是……唉,我们就是停不下来嘛!男生,这时候你就撒点儿谎、迁就我们一下。还有哦,为了你自己好,千万别告诉我们你也玩FB。
  4. Working Out
  The gym is a great place for us to lose weight, stay in shape, and compare ourselves to fatter women. However, unless we’re only taking power yoga classes, it’s not a great place to run into someone we like. We’re worried that you’ll be completely focused on our sweaty head bands, red faces, and our manly gym attire. A great way to make us feel better if you run into us at the gym is to focus on the work-out. Instead of noticing our gym attire, try saying something nice like “wow you’ve lost more weight than the office could have ever imagined.”

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