
www.zige365.com 2008-9-29 22:30:42 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  At present, promise is popular thoughout all the working areas. From radio, television or all kinds of newspaper, we can easily see one advertisement with good promise, such as the quality of goods, the ensurement of reparing, the exchangement, etc. Some sound reasonable, but some are not necessary.

  Some quality are a part of goods, so if it's no use of promising such things. And sometime it may gives rise to bad influence on goods. People may not think the goods are good enough. Make sure good promising is available!(8分)


  Such Promise

  At present, it is popular that all kinds of business and produce both make promise. All businessmen and producers make promise: it is happy for consumers' instructment. But, when the promise is produced by these businessmen and producer's, consumers will find the promise is"false". Because the promise is these bussinessmen and producers duty which shall be. As a hen produce eggs, the hen promised it produce a egg must be a real egg. Such promise! Is it humor?

  All kinds of business and producers promise is popular. Because there are many bussiness and producers, consumers have rights for selection. These producers make"false"promise for getting many consumers and expanding their sales. In my opinion, such promise isn't necessary. All producers should try their best to enhance their produce quality is vital. Only this, they can make their produce sale more and get more consumers. In modern market economy, these producers will be strong and will defeat other producers. (6分)


  Nowday, many departments, example shop, band, impose to people the something what they ought to do. Shops impose that they do not sell false and bad goods. But they ought ot sell true and good goods. Why they impose what they ought to do. I think, first many departments do something that they ought to do.

  Example, some shops sell bad and false goods, so few of shop impose that they do not sell bad and false goods in order to earn more money. Other shop impose to people too. Second, these departments impose to people in order to frashion.(5分)



  From the cartoon, we see that a hen has a promise about her eggs, we conclud the the promise is out of it ture implication and promise is of no use.

  Give the cartoon, I thought that a promise shout have its reponsibility for the costomber. Like the cartoon discribe, some one or some companies roast their product and it function no less than what there producty is. Therefore it leads to the consumer's fail, so we should plane some politics to prevent this pernomene. First, reinforce the country offercials work. Second, every company should reponside for what you have said and do it correctly. The last, every coustomber should rise his ability to distinguish the promise.

  With all describe, we can conclude that every company should sponsible for his promise and we also should do some to prvend him. (4分)


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