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  in terms of依据;用……措辞。
  reveal /ri5vi:l/(v.展现;揭示;泄露)即re+veal,re-前缀(=away),veal(=veil)面纱,揭开面纱→展示。A person reveals his character by nothing so clearly as the joke he resents.没有什么比一个人所反感的笑话更能显露他的为人。If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees.你如果把秘密泄露给风,就不应责怪风把秘密泄露给树。
  emphasis /5emfEsis/(强调,重点)可看作em+phasis,em-前缀强调,phasis看作是phase(阶段)的复述形式,于是在各阶段里最值得强调的→强调。I sometime wish that people would put a little more emphasis upon the observance of the law than they do upon its enforcement.有时候我但愿人们多把重点放在遵守法律上,而非强调其实施。
  primacy /5praimEsi/(首要,首位)即prim(e)+acy,prime首要的,-acy名词后缀,primacy与privacy(隐私)一字母之差,隐私是最首要的。
  definition /7defi5niFEn/(定义)即defin(e)+ition,define(下定义;限定)见2002年Text 4,-ition名词后缀。It is almost a definition of a gentleman to say that he is one who never inflicts pain.说一个人从不给人造成痛苦,这几乎是下了一个关于君子的定义。
  represent /7repri5zent/(v.描述;代表)←re+present.Books only partially represent their authors.图书只是部分地体现了作者。
  reflect /ri5flekt/(v.反射;反映;思考)←re回+flect弯曲。There are two ways of spreading light: To be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it.散布光的方法有两种:当蜡烛或者当反射烛光的镜子。Who reflects too much will accomplish little.思虑过多者一事难成。
  referee /7refE5ri:/(仲裁者v.仲裁)←refer+ee.
  separate /5sepEreit/(分离的v.分离)←se+par+ate,se-前缀分离,par看作part分离,-ate后缀。同前缀词:select(v.选择a.精选的)←se+lect选。We sleep in separate rooms, we have dinner apart, we take separate vacations—we‘re doing everything we can to keep our marriage together.我们在分开的房间睡觉,我们分开吃饭,我们分开度假-我们做着能做的一切以维持婚姻。You can’t separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom你无法将安宁与自由分开,因为得不到自由谁都不会安宁。
  delay /di5lei/(v.n.耽搁,延迟)看作de+lay,de-向下,lay放,把事情暂时放下→耽搁。Never delay that should be done today until tomorrow.不要把今天应做的事推迟到明天。
  reckon /5rekEn/(v.认为;估算)看作re+ckon,re-前缀反复,ckon谐音啃,题目太难了,需要re啃才能估算出答案。I reckon being ill as one of the great pleasures of life, provided one is not too ill and is not obliged to work till one is better.我把生病当作人生一大乐趣,只要病得不太严重,并且在好转之前不被要求工作。To sensible men, every day is a day of reckoning.对明智的人来说,每一天的时间都要精打细算。
  crucial /5kru:FEl/(极重要的,决定性的)即cruc+ial,cruc词根(=cross),-ail形容词后缀,处于十字路口的→关键的。
  psychology /sai5kClEdVi/(心理学)←psycho+logy,psycho词根心理,-logy后缀……学。The purpose of psychology is to give us a completely different idea of the things we know best.心理学的用途是告诉我们对最熟悉事物的完全不同的观念。psychology—①the science that tells you what you already know, in words you can‘t understand②the theology of the twentieth century心理学-①一门科学:它用你听不明白的语言告诉你已经知道的事②20世纪的神学。

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