53. The author writes of the development of geology to demonstrate ________. [A] the process of specialisation and professionalisation [B] the hardship of amateurs in scientific study [C] the change of policies in scientific publications [D] the discrimination of professionals against amateurs 54. The direct reason for specialisation is ________. [A] the development in communication [B] the growth of professionalisation [C] the expansion of scientific knowledge [D] the splitting up of academic societies 重点词汇: specialisation /7speFElai5zeiFEn/(专业化)即special+is(e)+ation,special(特别的;额外的),-ise动词后缀(specialise即v.专业化),-ation名词后缀;specialist(专家;专科医生)←special+ist后缀表人。Love is a special affection for a man or a woman, which is stronger than that for any other person.爱情是对一个男人或女人的特殊的好感,它比对其他任何人的好感都强烈。specialist—a doctor whose patients can be ill only during office hours专科医生-一位医生:他的病人只有在上班时间才能生病。specialist—one who knows more and more about less and less专家-对越来越少的东西懂得越来越多的人。 response /ris5pCns/(回复;响应)是respond(见2003年Text 2)的名词形式。The sartorial artist no less than the sculptor, the painter and the musician dreams of creations that will awaken a response in the soul of the world.好裁缝跟雕塑家、画家和音乐家一样,梦想着能在世人灵魂中引起反响的作品。 accumulation /Ekju:mju5leiF(E)n/(积累,堆积)即accumulate+ation,accumulate(v.积累,堆积),-ation名词后缀。University are full of knowledge; the freshmen bring a little in and the seniors take none away, and knowledge accumulates.大学里充满了知识,新生带进来一些,高年级学生则一点也不带走,于是知识就积累了下来。Books are the ever-burning lamps of accumulated wisdom.书籍是积累智慧的明灯。 professionalisation /7prE5feFEnElai5zeiFEn/(职业化)即professional+is(e)+ation,professional(职业的;职业人员),-ise动词后缀(professionalise即v.职业化),-ation名词后缀。In love woman are professionals, men are amateurs.在恋爱中女子是专业者,男子是业余者。 clear-cut明确的,清晰的。 amateur /5AmEtE/(业余的;业余爱好者)可记谐音爱慕它,业余爱好者选择某专业必定是爱慕它。Every artist was once an amateur.所有的艺术家都曾经是业余爱好者。amateur—a young man who, when flattering women, is afraid of overdoing it业余选手-奉承女人时怕做过头的年轻人。 distinction /dis5tiNkFEn/(差别,区分)即distinct+ion,distinct(清楚的,明显的),-ion名词后缀。同根词:extinct灭绝(因为有x而省略s);instinct本能。Success seems to be that which forms the distinction between confidence and conceit.成功似乎是形成自信与自负区别的东西。 connotation /7kCnEu5teiFEn/(涵义)即con+not(e)+ation,con-前缀一起,note记录,-ation名词后缀,所有东西都被一起记录在其中→涵义。 integrate /5inti^reit/(使成为一体)←integr完整+ate,参disintegrate(2003年Text 4)。 participation /pB:7tisi5peiFEn/(参加;分享)即parti+cip+ation,parti(=part),cip(=cap)抓(参captive,2003年Text 3),-ation名词后缀,抓取其中一部分→分享;动词为participate←parti+cip+ate.We participate in a tragedy; at a comedy we only look.悲剧我们参加,喜剧我们仅仅观看。本新闻共 6页,当前在第 2页 1 2 3 4 5 6 |