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  Part I Structure and Vocabulary

  Section A

  Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C,and D. Read each sentence carefully and then choose one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET I by drawing a single bar across the corresponding letter in the square bracket. (10 points)

  1. It that Mary, no less than Jenny and Jane, really diligent and perseverant in doing anything.

  A. says …… is    B. Said …… are

  C. is said …… is   D. is said …… are

  2. The tooth that is being extracted by the dentist me for some time.

  A. has hurt .  B. has been hurting

  C. is hurting   D. hurts

  3. I suppose Jack is as Johnson.

  A. as wealthy a man   B. so wealthy

  C. as a wealthy     D. a man so wealthy

  4. I studied Spanish for four years in high school, I had trouble talking with people when I was travelling in Spain.

  A. Nevertheless   B. Therefore   C. Moreover   D. On the other hand

  5. The Blacks wasted a lot of food at the party last week. They so much food.

  A. didn't need to prepare   B. mustn't have prepared

  C. needn't have prepared   D. couldn't have prepared

  6. it has provided is professional advice to help entrepreneurs get on their feet, to stay on the ri 8. 49. popularght course, and to help them grow.

  A. That   B. Which   C. What   D. While

  7. Jerry continued to a promotion even though he had necessary qualifications.

  A. have denied   B. be denied   C. deny   D. be denying

  8.How unlucky I was in the table-tennis game yesterday! I was close but I lost it at last because of my tiredness.

  A. to win   B. winning   C. to winning   D. for winning

  9. I would never have encouraged you to go into this field, it would be so stressful for you.

  A. should I know   B. and I had known

  C. but I knew     D. had I known

  10. The headmaster persisted in punishing the boy and in no case _ _ change his mind.

  A. he would   B. he were to   C. would he   D. were he to

  Section B

  Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Read each sentence carefully and then choose the one that best completes the sentence or is closest in meaning to the underlined word in the sentence. Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET I by drawing a single bar across the corresponding letter in the square bracket. (10 points)

  11. Open book exams are usually given when your teacher is interested in evaluating how well you can

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