Question 9.
This question has three answer choices, labeled A through C. Consider each of the three choices separately and select all that apply. The credited response may be one, two, or all three of the choices.
The passage suggests that Pasley would agree with which of the following statements about the political role of newspapers?
A. . Newspapers today are in many cases much less neutral in their political reporting than is commonly held by scholars.
B. . Newspapers in the early United States normally declared quite openly their refusal to tell all sides of most political stories.
C. . The editorial policies of some early United States newspapers became a counterweight to proponents of traditional values.
Indicate your answer choice or choices.
Question 10.
This question has five answer choices, labeled A through E. Select and indicate the best answer from among these choices.
The word "disingenuously" appears in the second sentence of the passage. That sentence reads, "Pasley considers this view oversimplified, because neutrality was not a goal of early national newspaper editing, even when editors disingenuously stated that they aimed to tell all sides of a story." In the context in which it appears, "disingenuously" most nearly means:
A. . insincerely
B. . guilelessly
C. . obliquely
D. . resolutely
E. . pertinaciously
Indicate your answer choice.
Directions for questions 11 and 12:
Each of the following questions includes a short text with two or three blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. You will be asked to select the word or phrase that best fits the corresponding blank in the text. Fill all of the blanks in the way that best completes the text.
For each question, first will come the text with the word "BLANK" in place of the omitted material. Next will come the text again, but in place of each blank, there will be three lettered options for completing that blank. Each option consists of a word or phrase. For questions containing two blanks, following the list of answer choices are nine readings of the text, one for each answer choice combination. Each reading consists of two option letters, the two words or phrases being combined, and the text with the combination of the words or phrases inserted into the blanks. The nine readings are marked as skippable content.
For questions containing three blanks, the choices will not be read in context because it has been determined that replaying the question for all possible combinations of answer choices is not a useful way to present these questions.
Question 11.
This question has two blanks.
The BLANK nature of classical tragedy in Athens belies the modern image of tragedy: in the modern view tragedy is austere and stripped down, its representations of ideological and emotional conflicts so superbly compressed that there's nothing BLANK for time to erode.