
www.zige365.com 2011-3-4 15:25:40 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

33.Tell us the origin of the name of the Forbidden City.
34.How large is the Forbidden City in area and what is the floor space of it?
35.Do you know the construction time of the Forbidden City?
36.When did the Forbidden City open to public?
37.How many rooms are there in the Forbidden City?
38.Where did the material needed for building the Forbidden City come from?
39.What is the status of the Forbidden City?
40.How were the five element embodied in the layout of the Forbidden City?
41.What's the regulation of passing through the Meridian Gate?
42.What's the function of the Meridian Gate?
43.What was the beaten out of the Meridian Gate?
44.What's the origin of the name of Inner Golden Water River?
45.Please describe Inner Golden Water Bridges.
46.Say something about the Gate of Supreme Harmony.
47.What's the function of the east and west buildings in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony?
48.Give us a brief account of the architecture of Hall of Supreme Harmony and its function.
49.What is 'Jin Dian Chuan Lu'?
50.What's the symbolism of the name of the Hall of Supreme Harmony?
51.Give us a brief account of 'Zao Jing' of Hall of Supreme Harmony.
52.Pls. Describe the emperor's throne inside the Hall of Supreme Harmony.
53.What is the symbol of the Peace Elephant?
54.What is 'Lu Duan'?
55.What Decorations are there in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony?
56.What is 'RiGui'?
57.What is "JiaLiang"?
58.What's the function of the Peace Water Vats?
59.What is the symbolism of the Hall of Complete Harmony?
60.What's the function of the Hall of Complete Harmony?
61.What's the symbolism of the name of the Hall of Preserving Harmony?
62.What are the construction feature and the function of the Hall of Preserving Harmony?
63.What is the Palace Examination? Where was it held?
64.Where is the huge cloud and dragon carving and what's character of it?
65.Try to tell us the transportation process of the huge cloud and dragon carving.
66.What is the function of the Gate of Heavenly Purity?
67.Where is the South Study and what's the function of it? What incident happened here in early Qing?
68.Where is the Upper Study and what the function of it?
69.What are the major objects inside and outside the Hall of Heavenly Purity?
70.What's the symbolism of the Palace of the Heavenly Purity?
71.What's the function of the Palace of the Heavenly Purity?
72.What's the 'One thousand Old Men Banquet'? Who gave the four banquets respectively?
73.What's the connection between the plaque of 'Be Open and Aboveboard' and the secret system of appointing the crown prince in the Qing?
74.What were the suspicious cases related to the Palace of Heavenly Purity?
75. Please tell us the case of 'Ren Yin' incident.
76.Please tell us the 'Red Pill Case'.
77.What's the symbolism of the name of the Hall of Union?
78.What's the function of the Hall of Union?
79.What are the decorations inside the Hall of Union and why there 25 seals inside it?
80.What are the explanations of the Plaque of WuWei?

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