
www.zige365.com 2011-3-4 15:25:40 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

The purpose of the Tourguide Exam Committee is to aid students who are preparing for comprehensive written and oral exams. The committee is made up of teachers and experienced tourguides from divisions of Beijing Tourism to help students prepare for these exams. Being involved with this committee is a great way to prepare for qualifying exams as well as assist fellow students with these exams.
Good Luck! Boys and girls!
Tourguide Exam Committee
Tian'anmen and Tian'anmen square.
1.What was the layout of Tian'anmen square in the Ming and Qing?
2.What important events happened on Tian'anmen Square from 1911 revolution to 1949 (the year of founding new China)?
3.What was the layout of Modern Tian'anmen Square?
4.What's the international status of the Square?
5.How many bridges are ther over the Outer Golden River? Who used them?
6.How was the name of Tian'anmen Changed in Ming and Qing?
7.What is 'JInFengBanZhao'?
8.Pls. describe the new National Flage Pole and Flag in front of Tian'anmen?
9.Pls. describe the National Flag raising and lowering ceremony nowadays on the Tian'anmen square?
10.When was the Great Hall of the People Built, Waht is the floor space of the Hall in total?
11.Pls.describe the Grand Auditorium (Assembly Hall) inside the Great Hall of the People.
12.Pls. describe the Banquet Hall and offices for the Standing Comittee of the National People's Congress.
13.Pls. Say something about the National Museum of China. What are the main exhibits inside the Museum of Chinese History and Museum of Chinese Revolution.
14.Pls. brief something on the Monument to the People's Heroes.
15.Pls. let us know something about the building material of the Monument to the People's Heroes.
16. Pls.describe the inscription on the south side of the Monument to the People's Heroes.
17. Pls. describe the bas-relieves of the Monument to the People's Heroes.
18.How large is Chairman Mao Memorial Hall and when was it built?
19.Pls. describe the major structure of Chairman Mao Memorial Hall.
20.Pls. say something about the South Facing Gate.
21. Tell us the origin of the name of Chang'an Avenue.
22.What is the 'Dragon Gate' or the 'Tiger Gate'?
23.In feudal dynasties, it was said 'civil east and military west' on both sides of Tian'anmen square. Can you brief the reason.
24.How many rooms were there along the 'Thousand-step Corridor' in the old days.
25. Who wrote the couplets on the Gate of Great Ming in Ming Dynasty? Do you know the meaning?
26. Tellus the history of Huabiao (Sculpted White Marble Columns) and
describe the Huabiao in front of Tian'anmen?
27.What kind of renovation took place on Tian'anmen Square in order to celebrate the 50th anniversary of New China?
28.What's the special feature of Chairman Mao's portrait on Tian'anmen Rostrum and who was the painter of it?
29.What's the main decoration inside the Tian'anmen Rostrum?
30.Who wrote the plaque of Chairman Mao Memorial Hall?
31.When did the National Museum of China Setup? The Palace Museum
32.How many emperors run the government from the imperial palace in Ming and Qing?

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