
www.zige365.com 2007-11-23 10:43:50 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

12) Which protocols can NetBIOS bind to? (Select all that are applicable.) (NETBIOS可以绑定在哪个协议上,选择所有可能的协议)?

  A. Appletalk

  B. IPX

  C. IP

  D. NetBEUI

  13) What layers do not exist in the TCP/IP model that are in the OSI model (哪层不在T C P / I P模型中,但它在O S I模型中)?

  A. Application, presentation, and network

  B. Presentation, session, and data link

  C. Session, network, and physical

  D. Presentation, data link, and physical

  14) What is a socket in the transport layer (传输层中的套接字是什么)?

  A. The socket is an IP address plus a port

  B. An API that makes the transport layer independent

  C. An API that allows multiple applications to share a network connection

  D. A function that makes remote procedures appear to be local
  15) What is a port (什么是端口)?

  A. An API that makes the transport layer independent

  B. An API that allows multiple applications to share a network connection

  C. A function that makes remote procedures appear to be local

  D. The point where upper-layer processes access transport layer services

  16) Which of the following services uses a process called windowing (下面的哪一个服务使用了所谓的窗口机制)?

  A. Reliable data transfer

  B. Connection-oriented virtual circuit

  C. Buffered transfer

  D. Resequencing

  E. Multiplexing

  F. Efficient, full-duplex transmission

  G. Flow control

  17) What is UDP (什么是U D P )?

  A. An API that makes the transport layer independent

  B. A connectionless, unreliable transport protocol

  C. An API that allows multiple applications to share a network connection

  D. A function that makes remote procedures appear to be local

18) What is IP (什么是I P )?

  A. It is the transport mechanism for upper layer services

  B. It is the session layer API for making the transport layer independent

  C. It is the network layer protocol that moves data from one node to another

  D. It is the physical layer protocol for Internet connections

  19) What is ICMP (什么是I C M P )?

  A. It is a network layer protocol that handles control messages

  B. It is a network layer protocol that resolves addresses

  C. It is a session layer API that makes remote procedures transparent to a user

  D. It is a transport layer function for unreliable transport

  20) Ping sends an ICMP echo command to an IP address in order to determine whether anetwork connection exists to that node (Ping向一个I P地址发送了一个I C M P回送命令,目的是确定是否存在到那个节点的网络连接)?

  A. True

  B. False

  21) Which of the following best describes TCP/IP (下面的哪句话最准确地说明了T C P / I P )?

  A. A static protocol

  B. A proprietary protocol

  C. A collection of internetworking protocols

  22) UDP and TCP represent mechanisms used by which layer of the TCP/IP (UDP和T C P表示了T C P / I P的哪层使用的机制)?

  A. Data link layer

  B. Physical layer

  C. Presentation layer

  D. Transport layer

  23) RPCs provide which of the following (RPC提供了下面的哪个功能)?

  A. Connection-oriented session

  B. Transparency to make remote calls look local

  C. Portability of applications between heterogeneous systems

  D. A and C only

  E. B and C only

  F. A, B, and C

  24) Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) is an example of (分布式计算环境( D E C )是下面的哪一项的一个例子)?

  A. OSI model

  B. RPC implementation

  C. Extreme Data Representation

  D. A and B

  25) Which statement is true of WinSock (下面对Wi n S o c k的哪一句陈述是正确的)?

  A. It is a MAC application

  B. It represents a graphical user interface

  C. It represents a network layer

  D. It provides the means for sharing an Internet connection between multiple IP protocol suite utilities

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