1) Match the following application layer services to their corresponding transport layer protocol port. (匹配下列的应用层服务和它们对应的传输层协议端口):
A. SMTP 1. TCP/23
B. FTP 2. TCP/25
C. TFTP 3. TCP/80
D. Te l n e t 4. TCP/21
E. HTTP 5. UDP/69
F. DNS 6. TCP/53
2) Which OSI reference model layer does Telnet function at (Te l n e t在哪一个O S I参考模型层运作)?
A. Transport
B. Network
C. Session
D. Application
3) How many layers does the TCP/IP protocol suite have, compared to the OSI reference model (和O S I参考模型相比,T C P / I P协议具有几层)?
A. TCP model has 4, OSI model has 6
B. TCP model has 7, OSI model has 8
C. TCP model has 4, OSI model has 7
D. TCP model has 7, OSI model has 4
4) The TCP/IP protocol suite has a formal session layer that includes NetBIOS、RPCs and TLI functions (TCP/IP协议套件具有包含N e t B I O S、R P C和T L I功能的一个正式的会话层)。
A. True
B. False
5) What is the function of RPCs (RPC的功能是什么)?
A. To move files from remote PCs to a local PC
B. To make remote function calls transparent, so they appear to be local
C. To initialize a program on a remote PC
D. To send a procedure that is local to a remote node for processing elsewhere
6) What does RPC stand for (RPC代表什么)?
A. Remote personal computer
B. Reserved-programming call
C. Routed-procedure call
D. Remote-procedure call
7) What OSI reference model layer do sockets function at (套接字在O S I参考模型的哪层运作)?
A. Application
B. Presentation
C. Session
D. Transport
E. Network
F. Data link
G. Physical
8) What function do sockets perform (套接字的功能是什么)?
A. They make remote functions appear local, transparent to the user
B. They transfer files to and from remote nodes
C. They make the transport layer independent
D. They allow multiple applications to share the same connection to the network
9) What is WinSock (什么是Wi n S o c k )?
A. A version of sockets for the Microsoft Windows platform
B. Sockets on BSD UNIX
C. A session layer API commonly considered to be its own protocol
D. A network layer service for Microsoft Wi n d o w s
10) What does TLI do (TLI的作用是什么)?
A. It makes remote functions appear local, transparent to the user
B. It transfers files to and from remote nodes
C. It makes the transport layer independent
D. It allows multiple applications to share the same connection to the network
11) What OSI layer does NetBIOS function at (NetBIOS在O S I哪一层运作)?
A. Application
B. Presentation
C. Session
D. Transport
E. Network
F. Data Link
G. Physical
1 2 3 4 5 6