37) What do link-state protocols use as a metric (链路状态协议使用什么作为度)?
A. Hops
B. Cost
C. CPU usage
D. Network operational time
38) Flooding in link-state protocol means what (链路状态协议中的泛洪法意味着什么)?
A. A router sending all routing information to its neighbors
B. A router broadcasting all information to all routers in the network
C. The neighbors of a link-state router receiving a link-state packet, copying it, and then
forwarding it to the rest of the network
D. A router sending information about the routers that have changed
39) Which statement is true of Interior Gateway Protocols (对内部网关协议的陈述中,哪一 句是正确的)?
A. They apply to Internet domains
B. They apply to autonomous systems within the network
C. They apply to external networks
D. They allow systems in the Internet to manage areas in the network where IGP is i m p l e m e n t e d
40) Exterior Gateway Protocols are known as (外部网关协议又称为):
A. Inter-domain
B. Areas
C. Domains
D. Intra-domain
41) Routing Information Protocol (RIP) can have maximum of (路由信息协议( R I P )最多可以具有多少个跳计数)?
A. 24 hops
B. 16 hops
C. 12 hops
D. 8 hops
42) How many commands are required to configure a router for RIP (为路由器配置R I P需要多少个命令)?
A. Four
B. Three
C. Two
D. One
43) RIP authentication command can be used with which version of RIP (RIP鉴别可以和R I P的哪个版本一起使用)?
A. RIP version 1
B. RIP version 2
C. RIP version 1 and RIP version 2
D. None of the above
44) In the Interior Gateway Routing Protocol, a route is removed from the routing table after(在内部网关路由选择协议中,一个路由在多长时间之后从路由选择表中删除)?
A. Three update periods
B. 60 seconds
C. Five update periods
D. Seven update periods
E. 90 seconds
45) Which of the following is used to calculate metric in Interior Gateway Routing Protocol(下面的哪一个用于在内部网关路由协议中计算度? )
A. Internetwork delay
B. Bandwidth
C. Load
D. Reliability
E. All of the above
46) What is the maximum allowable number of hops in Enhanced Interior Routing GatewayProtocol? (在增强内部路由网关协议中,最多允许多少个跳计数)?
A. 64
B. 224
C. 128
D. 232
E. 256
47) Enhanced Interior Routing Gateway Protocol uses which of the following (增强内部路由选择网关协议使用下列的哪一种)?
A. Link-state vector
B. Diffusion Update Algorithm
C. Distance vector
D. A and B only
E. B and C only |