
www.zige365.com 2007-11-23 10:41:27 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  1) Company A has recently merged with Company B, which exists in the same building and is physically close enough for all the computers to belong on the same network seg ment. 
  Company A uses an ATM backbone and Fast Ethernet for all nodes. Company B has a Token Ring environment on shielded twisted-pair wiring. Why will Company A and Company B select a router for their newly merged network (公司A最近合并了公司B,它们位于同一座大楼中,并且所有的计算机足够接近,可以属于同一个跳。公司A在所有的节点上使用AT M主干和快速E t h e r n e t公司B使用屏蔽双绞线基础上的令牌环网环境。为什么公司A和公司B为它们新的合并网络选择了路由)? 

  A. Network segment size has reached the maximum 

  B. Network addresses are not sufficient for a merged network 

  C. Tr a ffic must be segmented to prevent an expected bandwidth overload 

  D. A router is the usual way to connect dissimilar network types 

  2) What are the two basic mechanisms that make up a routing protocol (构成路由选择协议的两个基本机制是什么)? 

  A. Route selection 

  B. Flooding 

  C. Autonomous Systems 

  D. Data Tr a n s m i s s i o n 

  3) What is a routing table used for (路由选择表的用途是什么)? 

  A. It is the physical support for the router to sit on 

  B. It contains a list of all the timers used to prevent routing loops 

  C. It is used to select the best route 

  D. It manages the periodic update algorithm 

  4) What types of information can be found in different types of routing protocol routing tables (在不同类型的路由选择协议路由表中可以发现何种类型的信息)?(select 3) 

  A. The destination network associated with the next hop 

  B. The destination network associated with the cost metric 

  C. The destination network associated with the subnet mask 

  D. The destination network associated with the next path or interface to use 

  5) What is a routing update used for (路由选择更新的用途是什么)? 

  A. Routing updates notify neighboring routers with a 呼叫 

  B. Routing updates redistribute routes learned from other routing protocols 

  C. Routing updates maintain the routing table 

  D. Routing updates increase the network addresses available by changing the subnet masks

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