
www.zige365.com 2007-11-23 10:39:10 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
33) In RIP, which number of hop counts indicates that a network is unreachable (在R I P中,多少个跳距离表示无法达到一个网络)?

  A. 12

  B. 16

  C. 8

  D. 20

  34) Match a Novell term on the left with an IOS term on the right (匹配左边的N o v e l l术语和右边的I O S术语)。

  A. Ethernet_SNAP 1. SAP

  B. Ethernet_802.2 2. SNAP

  C. Ethernet_II 3. novell-ether

  D. Ethernet_802.3 4. arpa

  35) If a user attempts to set the same encapsulation type on more than one subinterface on the same physical interface, what will the IOS do (如果一个用户企图在相同物理接口的多个子接口上设置相同的封装类型, I O S将给出什么结果)?

  A. Assign default values for encapsulation types

  B. Issue a warning but allow the change

  C. Issue an error message and ignore the change

  D. Allow the change

  36) Which of the following is a default routing protocol when IPX routing is enabled (下面的哪一个是启用I P X路由时的默认路由协议)?

  A. RIP



  D. CDP

  37) When there are multiple paths available at the same cost, then by default IOS: (当存在代价相同的多个路径时,在默认情况下):

  A. Will Keep all paths in the routing table

  B. Will Keep only one path in the routing table

  C. Will keep all paths in the table and route the traffic in a round-robin manner

  D. B and C

  38) What is the purpose of the split-horizon function (水平分割的目的是什么)?

  A. To divide the network traffic in two for faster throughput

  B. To avoid sending redundant data back out the interface it was received on

  C. So that each person only has to manage half the routers on a network

  D. To set traffic priority levels

  39) By default, RIP routers broadcast periodic updates every (默认情况下,R I P路由器每隔多长时间进行广播)?

  A. 30 seconds

  B. 60 seconds

  C. 5 minutes

  D. 10 minutes

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