[难度系数] ☆☆☆
2. From the study by the team led by Cheryl Thomas, we may make the following conclusions except _____ 2 由CherylThomas小组的研究我们可以得出除_____外的以下结论。
[A] the juries reflect society’s ethnic mix. [A] 陪审团反映了社会种族混合。
[B] the juries could fully represent people of all walks of life. [B]陪审团可以充分代表各行各业的人
[C] the juries are made of members of whites and ethnic minorities of equal number. [C]陪审团由相同数量的白人和少数民族组成。
[D] the juries make verdicts without discrimination. [D] 陪审团作出裁决没有偏见。
[难度系数] ☆☆
[分析] 细节题。选项A,从第三段可以看出,陪审团体现了这种民族混合。选项B,从第四段可以看出,不论种族、年龄、背景等的不同,陪审团都充分代表了;选项C,第三段只提到白人和少数民族的人都愿意参加陪审工作、支持陪审制度,但并未说明数量相同,而且从第五段可以看出,有些地区的少数民族人数过少,就没有参与的机会,因此该选项说法错误;D,第六段可以看出这一点来。因此,答案为C选项。
3. About the racial bias of juries, which one of the following statements is TRUE? 3 关于陪审团的种族偏见,下列哪个陈述是正确的?
[A] Racial bias is often counterbalanced with each other among individual jurors, resulting in a fair verdict. [A]由于陪审团成员之间的种族歧视互相抵消,因此最后的判决是公正的。
[B] The jurors has almost none individual discrimination toward the defendant. [B] 陪审员对于被告没有个人偏见。
[C] Racial bias exists in individual jurors but is seldom reflected in their final personal judgment. [C]陪审员都有自己的种族偏见,但却没有体现在他们最终的个人判断上。
[D] The jurors are not affected by their individual bias. [D]陪审员不会受到他们个人偏见的影响。
[答案] A
[难度系数] ☆☆☆☆
1 2 3 4 5 6