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Ⅰ.After each sentence, four options are given.Choose the one that best completes the sentence and write the letter of your choice in the brackets .(40%)

1.Can you remember all the______for our school?(   )

A.telephone numbers                                        B.telephone number

C.telephone’s number                                        D.telephones numbers

2.Mr.Smith with his wife______visiting China now.(   )

A.am                                                               B.is

C.are                                                               D.were

3.Every means ______been tried since then.(   )

A.has                                                              B.have

C.are                                                               D.is

4.I prefer playing______football in______summer.(   )

A.the;the                                                         B./;the

C.the; /                                                            D./ ;/

5.John is______of the two boys.(   )

A.the stupidest                                                 B.more stupid

C.stupider                                                        D.the stupider

6.______is the sun that gives off light and heat, which makes______possible to grow.(   )

A.This; them                                                    B.That; those

C.It; that                                                          D.It; it

7.Because the family is very poor, the children have______clothes.(   )

A.few                                                              B.a few

C.little                                                             D.a little

8.We know she wanted to build______schools.(   )

A.seven another such                                        B.other seven such

C.such seven other                                            D.another seven such

9.“Why didn’t you use that?”(   )

 “Because it wasn’t______to fit it.”

A.good enough                                                 B.enough good

C.as enough good                                             D.good as enough

10.The population of Shanghai is______than that of Beijing.(   )

A.much                                                           B.larger

C.less                                                              D.much more

11.We ought to be there______nine twenty.(   )

A.until                                                            B.by

C.in                                                                D.for

12.Tens of thousands died______diseases during that war.(   )

A.for                                                               B.in

C.of                                                                D.at

13.______your help, we completed the work ahead of time.(   )

A.Thank for                                                     B.Thanks for

C.Thank to                                                       D.Thanks to

14.I will go home for vacation as soon as I______my exams.(   )

A.am finished                                                  B.finish

C.have finished                                                D.finished

15.Before liberation Gao Yubao______from morning till night by the landlord.(   )

A.was made to work                                         B.was made work

C.was made working                                         D.was made worked

16.______today, he would get to Beijing by Wednesday.(   )

A.Would he leave                                             B.Was he leaving

C.Were he to leave                                            D.If he leaves

17.The headmaster was strict.He requested that we______television on week nights.(   )

A.not watch                                                     B.must not to watch

C.not be watching                                             D.have not watched

18.“Are you enjoying your stay here?”

 “Yes, very much, I wish I______have to leave so soon.”(   )

A.won’t                                                           B.don’t

C.mustn’t                                                        D.didn’t

19.The factory is said______in fire two years ago.(   )

A.to be destroyed                                             B.to have been destroyed

C.to destroy                                                     D.to have destroyed

20.The human body is composed of organs, each______a definite job to do.(   )

A.have                                                            B.has

C.to have                                                         D.having

21.They are looking forward to______to the lecture by the famous professor.(   )

A.send                                                             B.be sent

C.being sent                                                     D.sending

22.I remember______for the job, but I forgot the exact amount.(   )

A.to be paid                                                     B.that I receive pay

C.get paid                                                        D.being paid

23.He was a good swimmer, so he______swim to the river bank when the boat sank.(   )

A.could                                                           B.might

C.should                                                          D.was able to

24.The classroom is empty.I think they______to the library.(   )

A.should have gone                                          B.ought to have gone

C.must go                                                        D.must have gone

25.I’m very keen on sports,______?(   )

A.don’t I                                                         B.didn’t I

C.am not I                                                       D.aren’t I

26.Work hard,______you will fail in the exam.(   )

A.although                                                       B.and

C.or                                                                D.unless

27.The doctor showed the new nurse______to do.(   )

A.what                                                            B.that

C.how                                                             D.as

28.I still remember the place______he visited last year.(   )

A.to which                                                       B.in which

C.that                                                              D.where

29.It was in______friendly a way that he talked with us.(   )

A.such                                                             B.how

C.too                                                               D.so

30.Not only______polluted but______crowded.(   )

A.was the city; were the streets                          B.the city was; were the streets

C.was the city; the streets were                           D.the city was; the streets were

31.______, he doesn’t do well in school.(   )

A.As he is clever                                              B.He is as clever

C.Clever as he is                                               D.As clever he is

32.______I am pleased to go to his birthday party and I will bring him a very beautiful present.(   )

A.If invited                                                      B.If he were invited

C.If he invited                                                  D.Being invited

33.They must all have taken the test last week,______?(   )

A.don’t they                                                    B.haven’t they

C.didn’t they                                                    D.hadn’t they

34.He______to escape but his conscience prevented him from doing that.(   )

A.had intended                                                 B.has intended

C.had been intending                                        D.has been intending

35.He is a straight A student,______his brother never was.(   )

A.who                                                             B.whom

C.which                                                           D.that

36.He is the only student in the class who______passed the test.(   )

A.had                                                              B.has

C.have                                                             D.was

37.The world is running out of oil, and energy experts believe that there could be serious shortages in______.(   )

A.ten year time                                                B.time of ten years

C.ten years’ time                                              D.ten year’s time

38.I met a______girl on my way to school yesterday morning.(   )

A.beautiful British little                                    B.little British beautiful

C.beautiful little British                                     D.British beautiful little

39.______, the volleyball players began the game.(   )

A.After we had taken the seats                           B.Having taken the seats

C.Being taken the seats                                      D.Taking the seats

40.______the Atlantic Ocean crosses the equator, the trade winds cause a flow of water to the west.(   )

A.That                                                             B.And

C.Which                                                          D.Where

II.Each of the following sentences has four words or phrases underlined.They are marked A, B,C and D.You are to identify the one underlined word or phrase that is inappropriate and write the letter of your choice in the brackets.(10%)

41.The customs officials have inspected  all the luggage that are to be carried away soon.

A                  B          C                D

(   )

42.He acted as an interpreter in the treaty negotiation between the pilgrims and the tribesmen,


and he taught the pilgrims how to fish and cultivating corn.(   )

B               C             D

43.The cheetah, the fastest living animal, can run as fastly as sixty miles per hour.(   )

A        B                 C                D

44.To stay warm in cold weather, cold-blooded animals must expose itself to a source of warmth

A                                                B           C

such as direct sunlight.(   )


45.Some people think that if you can’t say anything nice about a person, then you

A                                  B

shouldn’t have said anything at all.(   )

C                  D


46.When Alice was giving birth, her husband was definite on her side.(   )

A           B                         C   D

47.Adult education programs must be designed so the diverse needs of the participants in mind.

A                B            C           D

 (   )

48.She has died ten years ago, but she is still remembered by all who knew her.(   )

A          B                    C               D

49.He had trouble finding out that the capital of the country lay in  the coastal area or

A       B                       C

in the mountains.(   )


50.Theory comes from practice has long been proved.(   )

A      B                C        D

.Read the following sentences and decide what forms of the given verbs should be used.(10%)

51.It______(rain) for two hours and the ground is too wet to play on, so the match has been postponed.

52.By next Christmas, I______(live) in London for two years.

53.If the truth______(know), it should be told to us all.

54.I______(hope) to find something happy when I picked up the paper, but all the news was bad.

55.It is the first time that I______(visit) Nanjing.

56.If anyone______(call), please take a message.

57.Mary______(knit) when the telephone rang.

58.I know it will need a lot of courage the first time one______(make) a parachute jump.

59.You______(be) in the bathroom for ages.Have you nearly finished?

60.We______(land).Fasten your seat belt.

.Read the following incomplete sentences and decide what non-finite forms of the given verbs should be used.(10%)

61.Try to be on time.He hates to be kept______(wait).

62.He turned down the job he was offered,______(be) reluctant to commit himself to a long contract.

63.Your letter______(date) June 10 has been received.

64.My little brother,______(be) to Hangzhou many times, knows the place very well.

65.I don’t want______(interrupt) while I’m writing.

66.I know my hair wants______(cut), but I never have time to go to the hairdresser’s.

67.My uncle John has seen all there is______(see).

68.It seems that you are beginning______(understand) my point.

69.There’s not much point______(argue) any further.

70.Leave______(go) of my arm.You’re hurting me.

. Each of the following questions consists of a complete sentence and an unfinished one.You are to complete,the unfinished sentence in such a way that it keeps almost the same meaning of the complete sentence.(10%)

71.He didn’t try to conceal his dislike for me.

 He made it clear______.

72.They have not arrived at any conclusion yet.

 No conclusion has______.

73.She listened to a recording of the piece and worked out how to play it.

 She taught herself how ______.

74.I haven’t seen Tom for three years.

 It is three years______.

75.People say that John was killed in an accident.

 John is said______.

.In the following sentences, some parts are underlined.You are to rewrite, the underlined parts without changing the original meanings, using the structures suggested in the brackets and making other necessary changes.(10%)

76.He made a lot of mistakes, so he didn’t pass the examination.( Unreal conditioned sentence)

77.He had to put off buying a house because the bank was unable to lend him any money at that time. ( Absolute construction)

78.Although his intentions are kind, he is sometimes a hard master.( Prepositional phrase)

79.China will not allow any other country to interfere in her internal affairs on any account.(Inversion)

80.I ran across the dictionary in the Foreign Language Book Store yesterday.

 (Emphatic pattern: it be...)

.Each of the following questions consists of some sentences.You are to combine, the sentences into a complex one containing the kind of subordinate clause indicated in the brackets.(10%)

81.She has a teddy bear.One of its eyes is missing.( Attributive clause)

82.She was a child indeed.She knew what was the right thing to do.(Adverbial clause of concession)

83.She is not at all well.It is a fact.( Postponed subject)

84.He didn’t even apologize.This made me really angry.( Appositive clause)

85.Who can solve the problem? This is the question.(Predicative clause)

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