1. 中国第一个系统介绍西方哲学的人是 ( )
A.王左良 B.严复 C.周煦良
2. 下列哪种说法是正确的?( )
A. 汉语里句子的并列结构少,英语里句子的主从结构少。
B. 汉语里句子的主从结构多,英语里句子的并列结构多。
C. 汉语里句子的并列结构多,英语里句子的主从结构多。
3. 孟子三岁时,父亲就去世了,母子的生活处境更加艰难。( )
A. At the age of three, Mencius lost his father, he and his mother found life becoming harder.
B. Mencius lost his father who was only three years old, he lived a harder life with his mother.
C. At the age of three, Mencius lost his father, more difficult life found him and his mother.
4. 鲁四爷家的女工比勤快的男人还勤快。( )
A. The Lu family’s maid was hardworking than a man.
B. The Lu family’s maid got through more work than a hardworking man.
C. The Lu family’s maid did more work than a man.
5. 相互了解是发展国与国之间关系的前提。 ( )
A. Mutual understanding is the base of nation-to-nation relation.
B. Mutual understanding is the basis on country-to-country relation.
C. Mutual understanding is the basis for state-to-state relation.
6. 海的北岸有“五龙亭”,建于1602年,是封建皇帝钓鱼和看焰火的地方。( )
A. On the north shore of the lake have the Five-Dragon Pavilions, built in 1602, where the emperors enjoyed fishing and watched fireworks.
B. On the north shore of the lake are the Five-Dragon Pavilions, built in 1602, where the emperors enjoyed fishing and watched fireworks.
C. On the north shore of the lake locates the Five-Dragon Pavilions, built in 1602, where the emperors fished and watched fire.
7. There have been positive and negative effects for the Aswan High Dam.( )
A. 阿斯望高坝既能带来肯定效果,也能带来否定效果。
B. 阿斯望高坝既能带来好处,也会带来不良的后果。
C. 既要肯定阿斯望高坝的高效,又要否定其影响。
8. No machine would work for long if it were not properly lubricated. ( )
A. 不使用润滑剂的任何机械都不能工作。
B. 如果机器不使用润滑剂,就不能正常工作。
C. 任何机械如果不使用合适的润滑剂,就不能持续工作。
9. I wish to thank you for your very gracious and eloquent remarks. ( )
A. 我要感谢你亲切而雄辩的讲话。
B. 我要感谢你慷慨而雄辩的讲话。
C. 我要感谢你大方和雄辩的讲话。
10. Each Contracting State undertakes to adopt such measures as necessary to ensure the application of this convention. ( )
A. 各成员国均有义务采取措施以确保本公约的必要实行。
B. 各成员国均有义务采取必要措施以确保本公约的实行。
1. 我国现存佛经中最早的译本是东汉时代天竺人摄摩腾、竺法兰翻译的《______》。
2. During the first half of the eighteenth century, England basked in a last Indian summer of village industry.
3. He was taken in a boat down the Grand Canal.
4. The Nile Delta fertile 8,500-square-mile triangle between Cario and the Mediterranean coast.
5. Till 1983, Chinese exports increased to $22 billion.
6. 立足国内资源,实现粮食基本自给,是中国解决粮食供需问题的基本方针。
译:The basic principle for solving the problem of grain supply and demand in China is to rely on the domestic resources and basically achieve ______ in grain.
译:After the founding of ______, the feudal ownership of land was oblished.
8. 他在伦敦参观了大英博物馆。
译:He visited ______ when he was in London.
9. 合营企业应凭营业执照开立外汇账户。
译:An equity joint venture shall open ______ with a bank on the strength of its business licence.
10. 中国海域有丰富的海水资源和海洋可再生能源。
译:China’s offshore areas abound in seawater resources and ______.
1. China’s foreign policy is peace-oriented.
2. Animals become indefferent to their young as soon as their young can look after themselves, but human beings, owing to the length of infancy, find this difficult.
3. The annual flood of the Nile used to deposit as much as 20 million tons of silt on the fields along the river.
4. China’s rapid emergence as a major world actor is a tribute to the drive and entrepreneurial spirit(进取精神)of her people.
5. England was already the leading manufacturing nation, but the manufacture was cottage industry.
6. 在中国,只要粮食单产年平均递增1%,就可以达到预期的粮食总产量目标。
7. 依靠科技进步和提高劳动者素质就可以改善经济增长质量和效益。
8. 润滑油浓度必须适当。
9. 各地学生纷纷响应北京学生的反帝爱国斗争。
10. 北海公园是历代封建帝王的御花园。
The immediate advantage would be that people could choose a plan that fit their own preferences, rather than having to accept a plan chosen by human resources. You would be able to carry your plan from one job to the next — or hold onto it if you found yourself unemployed. You would never have to switch doctors because your employer switched insurance plans.
The longer-term advantage would be that health insurance would become fully subject to the brutal and wonderful forces of the market. Insurers(保险公司,保险人)that offered better plans would win more customers. These plans that drew on places like the Mayo Clinic to offer good, lower-cost care.