
www.zige365.com 2010-10-22 7:50:41 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心


  11. If you’re sitting around a lonely campfire at night, the howl of a wolf can sound pretty ______.

  A. fearful B. threatening

  C. dreadful D. frightening

  12. The suspect cooperated fully with the police when ______ about his role in the incident.

  A. required B. questioned

  C. demanded D. negotiated

  13. Homing pigeon is useful as a ______ carrier because when taken from home, it will return at the first opportunity.

  A. meaning B. information

  C. message D. content

  14. One of the responsibilities of the Coast Guard is to make sure that all ships ______ follow traffic rules in busy harbors.

  A. conveniently B. obediently

  C. sufficiently D. reluctantly

  15. She was so ______ the noise that she sent the children to bed.

  A. broken down by B. filled in with

  C. taken over by D. fed up with


  Fill in each of the 15 blanks in the passage with the most likely answer. Write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 15 points in all)

  A quarter of the world’s population now speaks English. If you want to 16 your products, or yourself, you have no choice 17 to do it in English. Politicians and business people must speak English if they want to make their mark 18 the world’s stage. Writers of minority languages can 19 hope to sell their books unless they write in English.

  As English is spoken all over the world, it means that no individual country can really exercise a 20 influence over it. In the past, it was the mother tongue 21 who controlled the future of the language. Now, indeed for the last few decades, the mother tongue users are in a significant 22 .

  This means that the character of the language could well 23 with new words, new rhythms, and new pronunciations. It isn’t going to be British and American English anymore- that’s 24 . All over the world education authorities are struggling to find the resources to meet the 25 for English.

  However, it is open to question whether they are putting all their eggs in one 26 . The future of English language is intimately 27 the electronic revolution. Satellite television and the Internet have helped accelerate the 28 of English, but will that always be the case?

  The Internet, 29 , is now seen as the saviour of minority languages. Indeed, with the continuing improvements in electronic translation, will we even need a(n) 30 language? It is open to question.

  16. A. sell B. make C. produce D. trade

  17. A. and B. but C. rather D. or

  18. A. on B. with C. for D. at

  19. A. ever B. still C. no longer D. no more

  20. A. negative B. typical C. subtle D. dominant

  21. A. speakers B. followers C. believers D. interpreters

  22. A. group B. number C. amount D. minority

  23. A. alter B. differ C. shift D. vary

  24. A. old B. new C. history D. future

  25. A. want B. pursuit C. demand D. desire

  26. A. box B. basket C. bag D. container

  27. A. restricted to B. drawn to C. tied up with D. caught up with

  28. A. range B. scope C. spread D. coverage

  29. A. as a result B. as a rule C. in addition D. in fact

  30. A. global B. unique C. worldly D. international

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