
www.zige365.com 2010-10-22 7:46:29 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心






  1. I didn’t see Jack at the meeting yesterday afternoon. He ______ it.

  A. mustn’t attend B. can’t attend

  C. mustn’t have attended D. can’t have attended

  2. It is essential that this application form ______ as soon as possible.

  A. being returned B. be returned

  C. to be returned D. will be returned

  3. You ______ quit your job until you find another one.

  A. had better not B. had better not to

  C. had not better D. had not better to

  4. There are more than sixty proposals ______ at the conference.

  A. discussing B. been discussed

  C. to discuss D. to be discussed

  5. ______ for their help, we couldn’t have finished the task ahead of time.

  A. If it were not B. Hadn’t it been

  C. Had it not been D. If it was not

  6. The room needs _____, but it will have to wait until Tuesday.

  A. cleaning B. cleaned

  C. to clean D. being cleaned

  7. Thank you, Mr. President. I’m very happy to ______ a chance to visit your college.

  A. being given B. be given

  C. give D. have given

  8. Two days ago he came back from the village ______ his father had lived.

  A. there B. that

  C. where D. which

  9. Scarcely ______ the house ______ it began to rain heavily.

  A. did he leave, than B. he left, than

  C. had he left, when D. he had left, when

  10. I didn’t go to our class get-together last weekend, but I do wish I ______ there.

  A. was B. will be

  C. were D. had been

  11. His visit to London last spring is ______ as a great success.

  A. looked into B. looked to

  C. looked over D. looked upon

  12. You will complete your project more easily if you take ______ of all the facilities here.

  A. privilege B. advantage

  C. chance D. care

  13. Seventy guests had been invited to the party, but only fifty ______.

  A. turned around B. showed up

  C. turned out D. showed off

  14. All we can do is to hope this chemical plant will take ______ to reduce air pollution.

  A. measures B. ways

  C. positions D. methods 

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