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英美文学选读_2007年4月全国自考试题 2007-10-13 11:00:33 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

30.In Young Goodman Brown by Hawthorne, the name of Goodman Brown’s wife is ______________, which also contains many symbolic meanings.
A.Ruth                                                        B.Hester
C.Faith                                                        D.Mary
31.Which of the following statements might be true of the theme of Song of Myself by Whitman?
A.This poem describes the growth of a child who learned about the world around him and improved himself accordingly.
B.This poem shows the author’s cynical sentiments against the American Civil War.
C.This poem reflects the author’s belief in Unitarianism or Deism. 
D.This poem reflects the author’s belief in the singularity and equality of all beings in value.
32.In Moby—Dick, the white whale symbolizes ______________ for Melville, for it is complex, unfathomable, malignant, and beautiful as well.
A.nature                                                      B.human society
C.whaling industry                                       D.truth
33.Realism was a reaction against Romanticism or a move away from the bias towards romance and self—creating fictions, and paved the way to ______________.
A.Cynicism                                                  B.Modernism
C.Transcendentalism                                     D.Neo—Classicalism
34.Hemingway once described Mark Twain’s novel ______________ the one book from which “all modern American literature comes”.
A.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn            B.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

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