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2006年10月北京自考欧洲文化入门试题 2007-10-14 10:19:30 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

14. The Lyrical Ballads was written by _________.
A. Shelley B. Wordsworth and Coleridge
C. Blake and Keats D. Byran and Shelley
15. The line "Beauty is truth, truth beauty" comes from_________.
A. Wordsworth B. Byron
C. Keats D. Blake
16. In developing Marxist philosophy, Marx and Engels accepted _______ in German classical
A. Hegel's dialectics B. Feuerbach's metaphysics
C. Feuerbach's materialism D. A and C
17. Balzac's monumental work was ________.
A. Divine Comedy B. The Human Comedy
C. The Brothers Karamazov D. Les Miserables
18. The author of A Doll's House was ________.
A. George Bernard Shaw B. Chekhov
C. Henric Ibsen D. Leo Tolstoy
19. Which of the following works was written by William Faulkner?
A. The Waste Land B. Dubliners
C. Cantos D. The Sound and the Fury
20. The poem Howl was written by ________.
A. Kingsley Amis B. John Osborne
C. Allen Ginsber D. Ezra Pound

第二部分 非选择题 (共60分)
II. In the following part there are two columns. The left hand column consists of a list of names. The right hand column consists of a list of titles, names of organizations or works. Match each name in the left hand column with corresponding title or organization or work in the right hand column and put the number a or b or c etc. in the bracket on the test paper. (10 points, 1 point each)
21. Plato [ ] (a) the Society of Jesus
22. Dante [ ] (b) Socialism : Utopian and Scientific
23. Ignatius [ ] (c) Dialogues
24. Bacon [ ] (d) the mazurkas
25. Engels [ ] (e) The Counterfeiters
26. James Joyce [ ] (f) Faust
27. Shelley [ ] (g) the Divine Comedy
28. Goethe [ ] (h) the Advancement of Learning
29. Chopin [ ] (i) Ulysses
30. Andre Gide [ ] (j) Prometheus Unbound

III. Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the test paper. (20 points, 2 points each)31. What was Aristotle's answer to man's aim in life?
32. Why were clergymen so important in the Middle Ages?
33. What attempts did the European humanist thinkers and scholars make in the Renaissance period?
34. What is Machiavelli called in the West?
35. What is the method explained by Descartes in Meditations?
36. Which composers in the 18's century were known as the Viennese school?
37. Which composer realized the possibility of the clarinet and used it for solo effects?
38. What was in common in the themes of the works of Romantic writers?
39. What sort of feeling was expressed in the music of Tchaikovsky?
40. Which American novelist was noted for his great psychological subtlety and was hailed as "the Master beyond all masters" ?

IV. Explain each of the following terms in English. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the test paper in around 40 words. (20 points, 5 points each)
41. Epicureans
42. John Milton
43. Beethoven
44. The Lost Generation

V. Write between 100 - 120 words on the following topic in the corresponding space on the test paper. (10 points)
45. What are the impacts of Greek culture?

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