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全国2004年10月高教自考英语阅读(二)试题 2007-10-24 10:39:22 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

18. You have the power within you to become a forceful, persuasive, confident communicator. With these techniques, you will be able to ask for a raise, make a sale, deal with a family crisis, feel comfortable in social and business situations. Master the simple principles set out here and you will never be nervous again.

61. Which of the following is true according to Paragraphs 1 and 2?
A. Two fifths of people suffer from shyness on social occasions.
B. One-quarter of adults do not have anxiety before strangers at parties.
C. Many Americans make good preparations before delivering a speech.
D. Social anxiety is the most common social problem.

62. In Paragraph 3, “do your homework” means        .
A. finish your assignment
B. deliver spontaneous talks
C. make preparations
D. avoid being nervous

63. Which is NOT mentioned as a means to communicate?
A. To instruct.        B. To persuade.
C. To seduce.        D. To warn.

64. The main idea of Paragraph 6 is that        .
A. we must prepare our material before communicating with others
B. voice plays an important part in effective communication
C. few people pay enough attention to their tones
D. it is difficult to cover nervousness

65. To prepare yourself you should pay attention to the following EXCEPT        .
A. approach        B. appearance
C. audience        D. voice

66. In the last sentence of Paragraph 8, “it” refers to        .
A. good will        B. your approach
C. a benevolent aspect      D. a powerful weapon

67. When asked a hostile question, the speaker should          .
A. keep quiet
B. focus his/her eyes on the questioner
C. answer back
D. never be unfriendly to the questioner

68. According to the author, one can conquer nervousness by acting in the following ways EXCEPT that       .
A. he has fully prepared for a situation
B. he has a physical and mental control of nervousness
C. he can prepare himself as well as his material
D. he can turn to experts for help

69. What does the author want to show by his experience of freeing himself from stage fright?
A. He wants to show that mental preparation works before stage performance.
B. He wants to show that self-control of nervousness is important before stage performance
C. He wants to show how important it is to be well prepared physically.
D. He wants to show how one can win the audience.

70. From Paragraph 2 to Paragraph 17, the article discusses        .
A. how to deliver lectures successfully
B. how to free oneself from stage fright
C. how to prevent nervousness
D. how to make good preparations for social communication

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