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2003年4月全国高等教育自学考试英美文学选读试题 2007-12-13 10:49:43 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

20.Which of the following is NOT typical of metaphysical poetry best represented by John Donne’s works?
 [A]Common speech.     [B]Conceit.
 [C]Argument.      [D]Refined language.
 21.William Wordsworth, a romantic poet, advocated all of the following except   .
[A]normal contemporary speech patterns
 [B]humble and rustic life as subject matter
 [C]elegant wording and inflated figures of speech
 [D]intensely subjective feeling toward individual experience
 22.In Samuel Taylor Coleridge′s “Kubla Khan,” “A sunny pleasure dome with caves of ice”    .
 [A]refers to the palace where Kubla Khan once lived
 [B]vividly describes a building of poor quality
 [C]is the gift given to a  beautiful girl called Abyssinian
 [D]symbolizes the reconciliation of the conscious and the unconscious
23.The hightide of Romanticism in American literature occurred around     .
 [A]1820   [B]1850  [C]1880   [D]1920
24.The subject matter of Robert Frost’s Poems focuses on       .
 [A] ordinary country people and scenes
 [B]battle scenes of ancient Greek and Roman legends
 [C]struggling masses and crowded urban quarters
 [D]fantasies and mythical happenings
 25.Which group of writers are among those who may be called early pioneers of American literature?
 [A]Mark Twain and Henry James.
 [B]Fenimore Cooper and Washington lrving.
 [C]Ernest Hemingway and William Faulkner
 [D]Jack London and O’Henry.
 26.To Theodore Dreiser, life is “so sad, so strange, so mysterious and so inexplicable.” No wonder the characters in his books are often subject to the control of the natural forces, especially those of     and heredity.
 [A]fate       [B]morality
 [C]social conventions           [D]environment
27.Hawthorne generally concerns himself with such issues as    in his fiction.
 [A]the evil in man’s heart   [B]the material pursuit
 [C]the racial conflict    [D]the social inequality
     provides the main source of influence on American naturalism.
 [A]The puritan heritage
 [B]Howells’ ideas of realism
 [C]Darwin’s theory of evolution
 [D]The pioneer spirit of the wild west
 29.In Mark Twain’s The Adventures of huckleberry Finn, Huck writes a letter to inform against Jim, the escaped slave, and then he tears the letter up. This fact reveals that      .
 [A]Huck has a mixed feeling of love and hate
 [B]there is a conflict between society and conscience in Huck
 [C]Huck is always an indecisive person
 [D]Huck has very little education

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