
www.zige365.com 2010-12-3 16:42:36 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
46. The manageability is more difficult in online courses than in any other course because ______.
A. online courses require higher level of work
B. online courses bring much more assignments
C. online course takers have no way to contact their lecturers
D. online course takers have to rely on themselves for management
47. According to the passage, one may not have the problem of an unsupportive employer if ______.
A. he is fully prepared to deal with any resentment from his boss
B. his online education will be beneficial to his current workplace
C. his expectations will be fulfilled in the form of long-term benefits
D. he can discuss the issue width his boss openly and bravely on the table
48. According to the writer of this passage, one’s satisfaction in online education might come from ______.
A. high expectations
B. diligent efforts
C. a realistic attitude
D. a proper balance
49. In the last sentence of this passage, the phrase “get the better of you” probably means “______”.
A. make a fool of you 
B. take advantage of you
C. get too fancy for you to imagine 
D. become too high for you to control
50. This passage is written mainly for the purpose of ______.
A. inspiring its readers to fulfill their expectations through hard work
B. persuading its readers to be more practical with their personal commitments
C. informing its readers about the disadvantages of the courses they take online
D. preparing its readers for the hardships they may encounter in online education
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