
www.zige365.com 2012-5-23 15:18:11 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  Two studies are adding to the debate about the health risks of eating fish containing highlevels of the metal mercury (水银,汞)。 One study 1 that people who eat fish high inmercury may increase their risk 2 a heart attack. Yet another study found no 3between mercury and heart disease.

  Mercury is a natural 4 . Some bodies of water have become 5 with mercury.High levels of the metal have been found in large fish, 6 shark and swordfish. Scientistssay mercury can be 7 to people. For example, it can harm the developing brain of afetus(胎儿) or child. So some experts say that pregnant women 8 fish containing highlevels of mercury.9 , the American Heart Association and other experts have 10Americans to eat fish at least two times a week. Fish 11 important substances, and theyare believed to 12 the risk of heart disease.

  Scientists in Maryland organized one of the new studies. They examined 13 recordsof more than one thousand and four hundred men from Israel and eight European countries.They 14 men who had suffered a heart attack with healthy men. The study found that15 levels in the men who had a heart attack were fifteen percent 16 than those withno history of heart disease. However, a study by the Harvard School of Public Health inCambridge, Massachusetts 17 the findings. The Harvard scientists compared twogroups of about five hundred American men. All the men in one group 18 a heart attackand the other men showed no 19 of heart disease. The Harvard scientists found no linkbetween mercury and the risk of heart disease.

  Many doctors say people should not stop eating fish because of 20 about mercury.

  1. A) advises B) suggests C) predicts D) objects

  2. A) of having B) to have C) with having D) for having

  3. A) contradiction B) difference C) reason D) link

  4. A) constituent B) element C) component D) ingredient

  5. A) mixed B) infected C) polluted D) influenced

  6. A) as well as B) together with C) such as D) as large as

  7. A) harmful B) beneficial C) wicked D) evil

  8. A) should avoid eating B) may not eat

  C) may avoid eating D) must avoid to eat

  9. A) Therefore B) In addition C) For instance D) Howeverv

  10. A) warned B) forced C) advised D) halted

  11. A) are composed of B) contains C) involves D) are consisted of

  12. A) increase B) shrink C) reduce D) run

  13. A) logical B) psychological C) medical D) dental

  14. A) compared B) related C) connected D) competed

  15. A) water B) blood C) metal D) mercury

  16. A) lower B) less C) higher D) more

  17. A) approves B) violates C) accepts D) disputes

  18. A) have suffered B) have never suffered

  C) had suffered D) had never suffered

  19. A) sign B) evidence C) symptom D) hint

  20. A) interests B) information C) concerns D) conclusions


  Passage Two


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