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  46.A. to open B. opening C. have opened D. opened

  47. A. in person B. in turn C. in place D. in return

  48. A. Whether B. When C. Why D. How

  49. A. To be sure B. To sum up C. In many ways D. In many cases

  50.A. work out B. lead to C. make for D. take up

  51.A.happier B. more surprised C. happy D. surprised

  52.A.regardless of B. rather than C. as toD.but for

  53.A. decide B. classify C. select D. measure

  54.A. look B. quality C. nevertheless D. ease

  55.A. unexpectedly B. whereas C. nevertheless D. continuously

  Part V Text Completion (20 points)

  Directions: In this part, there are three incomplete texts with 20 questions(Ranging

  from 56 to75).Above each text there are three or four phrases to becompleted. First, usethe choices provided in the box to complete thephrases. Second, use the completed phrasesto fill in the blanks of the text. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

  Text One

  A. accelerate B. otherwise C. between D.imitate


  A. would be difficult to 56

  B. from 57 its feathers

  C. enabling the bird to 58

  D. it 59 could

  The emperor penguin traps air in its feathers. Not only does this insulate thebird against extreme cold but it also enables it to move two or three times fasterthan60How? Marine biologists have suggested that it does so byreleasing tiny air bubbles 61 .As these bubbles are released, the reduce friction on the surface of the penguin's wings, 62 .

  Interestingly, engineers have been studying ways to make ships go faster byusing bubbles to reduce friction against their hulls (船身 ) . However, researchersacknowledge that further investigation is challenging because "the complexity ofpenguin’s wings 63

  Text Two

  A. beyond B. as well as C. sending


  A. 64 the wages of average families

  B. 65 young people to college

  C. 66 the reach ofmostAmericans

  A research group in California has released a "national report cardon highereducation." The report says the price of college has increased more than four hundred percent since 1982. Costs have climbed much faster than other prices - 67 . Thegroup warns that a continuation of these trends would put higher education 68 .And it would mean greater debt for those who do go to college. The reportalso expresses concern that the United States is losing its leadership in 69 .

  Text Three

  A. so B. hire them C. watching TV


  A. and understandably 70

  B. that could be spent 71

  C. that the companies that72 want money

  Children are a special target of advertisers, 73 . Young people are shopping and spending more than ever before. Researchers suggest that children who are highly involved in consumer culture are more prone to childhood depression and anxiety and have worse relationships with their parents. They said: "You cannot totally protect your kids from advertising because it is everywhere. So you can explain to your kids that advertisers have an agenda and 74 . They don't have our best interests in mind."

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