
www.zige365.com 2011-7-28 10:36:32 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

B illegal

C absurd

D abrupt 


25. I’m ____ about how you discovered my website, and am very glad if you enjoy it.

A mysterious

B furious

C serious

D curious


26. The Labor Party’s electoral strategy, based on an ____ with other smaller parties, has proved successful.

A acquaintance

B integration

C intimacy

D alliance


27. The new aircraft will be ____ to a test of temperatures of -65 and 120.

A suspended

B suppressed

C subjected

D summoned


28. The money I got from teaching on the side was a useful ____ to my ordinary income.

A supplement

B profit

C subsidy

D replacement


29. Chinese people are now enjoying better dental health, as shown by the declining ____ of tooth decay.

A incidence

B treatment

C consequence

D misfortune


30. Many countries have conversation programs to prevent certain ____ of fish from becoming extinct.

A sources

B species

C numbers

D members

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