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  Part I Dialogue Communication

  Section A Dialogue Completion

  1. A: Why don't you have dinner with me tonight?

  B: ____________

  A. Because I have an appointment.

  B. Sorry about that, but I have to go to a party.

  C. The reason is that I have to work over time tonight.

  D. I’d love to, but I have to finish my paper.

  2. A: I'm afraid I have spilled some coffee on the table cloth

  B: ____________

  A. Oh, don't worry about that.

  B. You needn’t apologize.

  C. I fee1 sorry for that.

  D. Oh, you shouldn’t have done that.

  3. A: You seem to have a lot of work to do in your office. You’ve always been working overtime.

  B: ____________

  A. You are right, but don’t you know the meaning of work?

  B. Sorry, I don’t think so. I get overpaid for overwork, you know.

  C. That’s right. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

  D. That’s right, but the work is interesting. I don’t mind some extra hours at all.

  4. A: George, I would like to introduce a friend of mine, if I may: Albert Snow. Albert, this is George Smith.

  B: ____________

  A. How have you been?

  B. Pleased to meet you, George.

  C. Mind if call you George?

  D. The pleasure’s mine.

  5. A: Excuse me. I don’ t want to interrupt you…

  B: ____________

  A. No, no. It’s quite all right.

  B. Well, never mind.

  C. It won’t bother me.

  D. Of course not.

  Section B Dialogue Comprehension

  6. Man: I saw John yesterday. You know what? He was driving a luxurious car.

  Woman: He rented it. He often makes believe that he is a millionaire.

  Question: What does the woman mean?

  A. Everyone believes that John is a millionaire.

  B. John dreams of becoming a millionaire.

  C. John dreams of having a luxurious car.

  D. John pretends to be a millionaire.

  7. Woman: I can hardly go on. The work is so tough.

  Man: Don’t lose heart I’ll back you up all the time.

  Question: What does the man mean?

  A. He will help the woman with her work.

  B. He will support the woman.

  C. He will do the work for the woman.

  D. He will encourage the woman.

  8. Man: I didn’t know you got a promotion why didn’t you tell me earlier so that we could have celebrated it?

  Woman: I guess it slipped my mind. My mind was lost to other things because of work.

  Question: What does the woman mean?

  A. She felt lost with her work.

  B. She had a poor memory.

  C. she forgot to tell him.

  D. She had to go to work.

  9. Man: The new Chevy Chase film was terrific!

  Woman: Oh, come off it, A1. Chevy Chase is a great comedian, but he sure didn't show it in that movie.

  Question: What does the woman think of the movie?

  A. It’s great comedy.

  B. It's typical Chevy Chase film.

  C. It isn’t a good comedy.

  D. It isn’t as terrible as A1 thought.

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