Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck?
Nowadays, numbers are widely used in our life, such as the plate number of our cars, the telephone number and the date when we will do some important things. Some people argue that some certain numbers may bring good luck to them,which are called lucky number.
In my opinion,numbers have no relation on good luck,because when we choose a number, it is occasional and the chance of every number is equal. For example, many people are glad to select number“8”and “6”when they choose numbers and they believe that the numbers can make them to be successful and go ahead easily. It is just a beautiful wish.We all know that success depends on hard-working and confidence, and it has no relation on the numbers .We just use numbers to mark something.
In a word,lucky numbers can not bring good luck to us.If we want to be lucky,we shouldn’t depend on lucky numbers but our efforts.