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Section B

  Passage One

  A guide dog is a dog especially trained to guide a blind person. Dogs chosen for such training must show good intelligence, physical fitness, and responsibility.

  At the age of about fourteen months, a guide dog begins an intensive course that lasts from three to five months. It becomes accustomed to the leather harness and stiff leather handle it will wear when guiding its blind owner. The dog learns to watch traffic and to cross streets safely. It also learns to obey any command that might lead its owner into danger.

  The most important part of the training course is a four-week program in which the guide dog and its future owner learn to work together. However, many blind people are unsuited by personality to work dogs. Only about a tenth of the blind find a guide dog useful.

  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  26. How long does the intensive course last?

  【解析】[A]文中明确提到an intensive course that lasts from three to five months,因此正确答案为 [A]。

  27.Which of the following is not a necessary skill guide dogs have to learn?

  【解析】[D]答案依据是The dog learns to watch traffic and to cross streets safely. It also learns to obey any command that might lead its owner into danger. 从这两句中可看出看家不属于导盲犬训练范围内的技能。

  28.How long does the most important training course last?

  【解析】[C]最重要的训练课程持续四周。文中明确指出了本题答案。The most important part of the training course is a fourweek program,从此句中即可看出。

  Passage Two

  People dream four to six times a night. They dream while they are in the REM stage of sleep, which means rapid eye movement stage in one’s sleep. Sleepers go into the REM stage about every 90 minutes. The first dream of the night may last about ten minutes. Each dream gets a little longer. The last dream of the night may be an hour long.

  People need their dreams. Younger children spend more time dreaming. Babies spend almost half of their sleep in the REM stage.

  One experiment showed that everyone needs to dream. Doctors gave some people sleeping pills. These sleeping pills didn’t let them go to REM sleep. After a few nights without dreams, they began to feel bad. They became angry easily, they worried a lot, and they wanted to fight with everyone. Then they stopped taking the sleeping pills. They all began to dream all night for a few nights to catch up.

  Why do people dream? Dreams give them time to find the answers to some of their problems. If they think they will have difficult problems the next day, they may spend more time on REM sleep the night before. In their dreams, they may find an answer to their problems.

  Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  29.How often does a person dream each night?

  【解析】[B]文章一开始即交代了一个人一晚上要做梦四到六次。从第一句就可看出People dreams four to six times a night.因此,答案为 [B]。

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