
www.zige365.com 2012-1-13 9:09:12 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  Conversation Two

  M: Hi Diana, mind if I sit down?

  W: Not at all, Jerry. How have you been?

  M:Good. But I’m surprised to see you on the city bus. Your car in the shop?

  W:No. I’ve just been thinking a lot about the environment lately. So I decided the air will be a lot cleaner if we all use public transportation when we could.

  M:I’m sure you are right. The diesel bus isn’t exactly pollution free.

  W:True. They’ll be running a lot cleaner soon. We were just talking about that in my environmental engineering class.

  M:What could the city do? Install pollution filters in all their buses?

  W:They could, but those filters make the engines work harder and really cut down on the fuel efficiency. Instead they found a way to make their engines more efficient.

  M: How?

  W:Well, there is a material that’s a really good insulator. And a thin coat of it gets sprayed on the certain part of the engine.

  M: An insulator?

  W:Yeah. What it does is reflect back the heat of burning fuel. So the fuel will burn much hotter and burn up more completely.

  M:So a lot less unburned fuel comes out to pollute the air.

  W:And the bus will need less fuel. So with the saving on fuel cost, they say this will all pay for itself in just six months.

  M:Sounds like people should all go out and get some this stuff to spray their car engines.

  W:Well, it’s not really that easy. You see, normally, the materials are fine powder. To melt it so you can spray a coat of it on the engine parts, you first have to heat it over 10,000 degrees and then, well, you get the idea. It’s not something you or I will be able to do ourselves.

  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  23.What is the conversation mainly about?


  24.Why did the woman decide to ride the city bus?

  【解析】[B]对话开头部分就交代了此题答案,那位女士说她不开自己的车而乘坐公共汽车是为了降低环境污染。从她提到的So I decided the air will be a lot cleaner if we all use public transportation when we could 即可得知。

  25.What is the new material?

  【解析】[D]这种新的材料是在引擎部位喷洒的一种绝缘材料。从女士的话中there is a material that’s a really good insulator. And a thin coat of it gets sprayed on the certain part of the engine即可得出。这种材料的用途是将燃料燃烧的热量反射回去,从而达到提高效率的结果。

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