
www.zige365.com 2011-11-26 13:58:37 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

music comes in many forms; most countries have a style of their own. -1- the turn of the century when jazz was born, america had no prominent -2- ofits own.no one knows exactly when jazz was -3- ,or by whom.but it began to be- 4- in the early 1900s.jazz is american contribution to -5 -music.

in contrast to classical music, which- 6 -formal european traditions, jazz is spontaneous and free form.it bubbles with energy, -7 -the moods, interests, and emotions of the people.in the 1920s jazz -8 -like america, and -9- it does today.the -10 -of this music are as interesting as the music -11 -.american negroes, or blacks, as they are called today, were the jazz -12- .they were brought to southern states -13 -slaves.they were sold to plantation owners and forced to work long- 14 -。

when a negro died his friend and relatives -15- a procession to carry the body to the cemetery.in new orleans, a band often accompanied the- 16- .on the way to the cemetery the band played slow, solemn music suited to the occasion. -17 -on the way home the mood changed.spirits lifted.death had removed one of their- 18 -,but the living were glad to bealive.the band played- 19 -music, improvising(即兴表演) on both the harmony andthe melody of the tunes -20- at the funeral.this music made everyone want to dance.it was an early form of jazz.

1.a.by b.at c.in d.on

2.a.music b.song c.melody d.style

3.a.discovered b.acted c.invented d.designed

4.a.noticed b.found c.listened d.heard

5.a.classical b.sacred c.popular d.light

6.a.forms b.follows c.approaches d.introduces

7.a.expressing b.explaining c.exposing d.illustrating

8.a.appeared b.felt c.seemed d.sounded

9.a.as b.so c.either d.neither

10.a.origins b.originals c.discoveries d.resources

11.a.concerned b.itself c.available d.oneself

12.a.players b.followers c.fans d.pioneers

13.a.for b.as c.with d.by

14.a.months b.weeks c.hours d.times

15.a.demonstrated b.composedc.hosted d.formed

16.a.demonstration b.processionc.body d.march

17.a.even b.therefore c.furthermore d.but

18.a.number b.members c.body d.relations

19.a.sad b.solemn c.happy d.funeral

20.a.whistled b.sung c.presented d.showed

1.【答案】b【解析】这里at the turn of the century表示的是“在本世纪初”这一具体时间,只有at可以用在这里。




5.【答案】c【解析】popular music是指“流行音乐”,与classical music(古典音乐)相对。爵士乐(jazz)是流行音乐的一种,故选popular。


7.【答案】a 【解析】express意为“表达”,与后面的宾语moods(情绪)、interests(兴趣)、以及emotions(感情)相搭配。explain意为“解释,说明”,expose意为“揭露,使暴露”,illustrate意为“阐明”。

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