
www.zige365.com 2010-3-17 14:56:50 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  【解析】[C]本题中女士提到火车晚点25分钟是个干扰项,她说的后半句话即是答案so it should be here at 11: 46。
  15. M:I would like to move to the suburbs, but I don’t have enough money to pay the high taxis。
  W:I wish you could. It’s nice to live there。
  Q:Why isn’t the man moving to the suburbs?
  16.W:Jack, would you like to go to the club with us tomorrow night?
  M:I wish I could, but I have to work on my term paper。
  Q:Is Jack going to the club?
  17. M:Think it over carefully, you must have left it somewhere。
  W:But the problem is that I have to have it now. I need it to use my car, and when I get home, to open the door。
  Q: What happened to the woman?
  18. W:Werent you nervous when the professor called on you in class?
  M:Id say I was shaking all over。
  Q:How did the man feel when he was called on?
  【解析】[A]女士问:当教授在班上点到你的时候你不紧张吗?男士说:我浑身都在抖。shaking all over说明男士非常担忧和害怕。
  Now you’ll hear two long conversations。
  Conversation One
  W:Let’s go in here and order some coffee while we look at your pictures。
  M:Good idea. We’d both like coffee, please. OK, here’s one of Ed’s, my roommate. I took this picture right after we had arrived at the school this fall. We had just met, in fact. And this was our room of the dormitory while we were unpacking all our things. What a mess!
  W:You certainly had a lot of boxes. How did you ever find room for everything?
  M: In the beginning we thought we’d never get all arranged but now we are very comfortable. Lucky for me, Ed keeps his things neat。
  W:Do you like living in the dormitory?
  M:It’s not bad. Sometimes Ed turns his radio up too loud and makes too much noise. Then I get angry. Sometimes I leave my books lying around and he gets angry. But usually we get along. Here’s a picture of him taken when we went to visit my family during vacation。
  W:And this last one?
  M:That’s my dog Spot。
  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard。
  19.Where is this conversation most probably taking place?
  【解析】[B]从女士的话Let’s go in here and order some coffee中可以得出答案。snack bar意思是小吃店。四个选项中只有可能在小吃店里喝咖啡,因此选择B项。
  20. Who is Ed?
  【解析】[B]从对话中可直接听出答案,here’s one of Ed’s, my roommate,这一张是Ed的照片,我的室友。由此可见Ed是男士的室友。
  21. Why does the man sometimes get angry at Ed?
  【解析】[A]本题亦可在对话中直接听出答案Ed turns his radio up too loud and makes too much noise. Then I get angry. 由于Ed制造太多噪音,男士对此非常生气。

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