
www.zige365.com 2010-12-3 18:31:40 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  D)the job history is considered to be a work of art

  59. In the past it was expected that first job hunters would .

  A)write an initial letter giving their life history

  B)pass some exams before applying for a job

  C)have no qualifications other than being able to read and write

  D)keep any detailed information until they obtained an interview

  60. Later, as one went on to apply for more important jobs, one was advised to include in the letter .

  A)something that would distinguish one from other applicants

  B)hinted information about the personality of the applicant

  C)one’s advantages over others in applying for the job

  D)an occasional trick with the aggressive approach

  61. The curriculum vitae has become such an important document because .

  A)there has been an increase in the number of jobs advertised

  B)there has been an increase in the number of applicants with degrees

  C)jobs are becoming much more complicated nowadays

  D)the other processes of applying for jobs are more complicated


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