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  Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension(35 minutes)  
  Section A
  Directions: In this section,you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.At the end of each conversation,one or more questions will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause. During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A),B),C)and D),and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
  11. A) He feels very excited. B) He feels very happy.
  C) He feels very angry. D) He feels very sorry.
  12. A) Reading newspaper. B) Watching television.
  C) Discussing a sports program. D) Listening to the music.
  13. A) At a railway station. B) At an airport.
  C) On an airplane. D) At a bus stop.
  14. A) To go to study. B) To play computer games.
  C) To ask for his father's permission. D) To be quiet and not to disturb his father.
  15. A) A film. B) A book. C) A fencing match. D) A popular singer.
  16. A) The woman is satisfied with the man's apologies.
  B) The woman forgives the man's negligence.
  C) The woman is not at all pleased with the man's apologies.
  D) The woman doesn't need the man's apologies.
  17. A) The students will take an English exam tomorrow morning.
  B) The students will attend a meeting.
  C) The teacher postponed the meeting.
  D) There won't be an exam this afternoon.
  18. A) The man doesn't want to pay for the room.
  B) The man likes smoking.
  C) The man wants to have a non-smoking room.
  D) There's no more room in the hotel.
  Conversation One
  19. A) A giant ocean wave. B) A kind of food.
  C) A bus. D) A Japanese person.
  20. A) There will be an eastward ocean current.
  B) There will be a westward ocean current.
  C) They would be swallowed up by the ocean waves.
  D) They would be able to eat fish.
  21. A) Cool. B) Calm. C) Dangerous. D) Frightening.
  22. A) An earthquake. B) A volcano.
  C) A landside. D) A warm current.
  Conversation Two
  23. A) He never took illegal commissions.
  B) He sold the company's products at higher prices.
  C) He sold more of the company's products than other salespeople.
  D) He is getting along well with his colleagues.
  24. A) He knows more customers than any other employees.
  B) Only he knows how to get a certain large contract.
  C) He used to be a manager of a large company.
  D) A relative of his is the manager of a large company.
  25. A) She mistook the man for Carl Smith.
  B) She raised the man's pay by mistake.
  C) She praised the wrong person.
  D) She almost fired the wrong person.
  Section B
  Directions:In this section,you will hear 3 short passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear some questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
  Passage One
  Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  26. A) The Federal agencies. B) The religious groups.
  C) The state and local governments. D) The school board of trustees.
  27. A) 12. B) 16. C) 18. D) 20.
  28. A) Most of them are operated by religious groups.
  B) Most of them do not receive government money.
  C) They must be approved by the local government.
  D) They can be found in all states and territories.
  29. A) One million. B) Four million.
  C) Six million. D) Forty-six million.
  Passage Two
  Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  30. A) Aggressive behaviour exhibited by birds and mammals.
  B) The control of the larger animals over the small ones.
  C) A geographical area that an animal claims dominance.
  D) A place with a centre and extending over its outer limits.
  31. A) The larger dog has left the territory.
  B) The larger dog has calmed down.
  C) He realizes that the larger dog is stronger.
  D) He is not supposed to exceed the limits.
  32. A) They grow larger and stronger.
  B) They exhibit greater stress and anxiety.
  C) They begin to establish their own territories.
  D) They exert dominance over others' territories.
  Passage Three
  Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  33. A) More than 500. B) More than 250.
  C) 193. D) One-third of Chinese cities.
  34. A) Making reasonable development plans.
  B) Building effective operated infrastructure.
  C) Continuing the improvement of the city environment.
  D) Treating industrial waste.
  35. A) More and more cities appear.
  B) There are increasing complaints about environmental problems.
  C) More and more people pour into cities.
  D) One-third of industrial sewage in the cities went untreated.
  Section C
  Directions:In this section,you will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the first time,you should listen carefully for its general idea.When the passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard.For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information.For these blanks,you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words.Finally,when the passage is read for the third time,you should check what you have written.
  Over a century after it ended, the Civil War remains the (36) turning point in American history. It produced a loss of life (37) in the American experience. The 620,000 combatants who (38) in the conflict nearly outnumber those who died in all other American wars (39) .
  The conflict also (40) affected the future course of national development. In the physical (41) it brought to the South, the economic changes it produced throughout the nation, the new technologies it (42) , and the new ideas it spawned, the war (43) the lives of several generations of Americans.
  Slavery lay at the root of the crisis that produced the Civil War. During the first half of the nineteenth century, (44) . As the South united in defense of a way of life based on slavery, the North increasingly celebrated the superiority of free labor.
  The North went to war to preserve the Union after eleven Southern states seceded in 1860 and 1861. In time, the conflict became a struggle to destroy slavery and emancipate African Americans in bondage.
  (46) .Yet the war left it to the future generations to confront the legacies of slavery and to embark on the still unfinished struggle for racial justice.

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