
www.zige365.com 2009-9-8 14:36:29 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
Passage Three
  During the 1950s in America, young people were encouraged to be active in society. Both political parties had organizations aimed at encouraging the very young to be involved in politics. The Democratic Party sponsored Teenage Democrats, or TADs as they were known, and the Republican Party sponsored Teenage Republicans or TARs. While adults served as their sponsors, both groups were encouraged to act independently.
  They had their own local and state organizational structures with elected leadership. They planned and held events directly related to helping elect candidates of their respective parties. Members did a lot of the boring drudge work in campaigns, all the while learning how to effectively pursue electoral politics.
  Then something happened. During the 1960s, vast movements for social change began to sweep across America. At first the traditional party elders must have seen their youth groups as shelters against change, as defenders of their traditional values. To their disappointment, this turned out not to be the case.
  Instead, the parties found themselves challenged by their own young people. Many TADs and TARs united across party lines to support lowering the voting age to eighteen.In doing so, of course, they were only using the political system to promote their own interest.While this was the sort of activity expected by their elders, it was in many ways, very traditional political activity.
  And in the Democratic Party, they went even further. The insurgent campaign of senator Eugene McCarthy was a youth campaign with many young people acting in leading roles. And, in 1972, the entire Democratic Party was rocked when a youth-led revolt swept a very liberal senator to the presidential nomination.
  While there were certainly many other forces in society involved in all of this, it was worth noting that neither of the two main political parties has shown much interest in youth groups since the 1960s and 1970s.
  Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  32. What surprised the traditional party elders during the 1960s?
  33. What does it mean to say that the Democratic Party was shaken in 1972?
  34. What issue caused young people to unite across political lines?
  35. According to the passage, why don't political parties show any interest in youth groups anymore?
  Section C
  When I speak about the development of the economy of this land, I am speaking in terms of sustainable development. This means that we (36) recognize that the development of the economy is dependent on the land, and the continuing good health of the natural (37)environment that has sustained our people for thousands of years.
  Sustainable development also means development that includes all our people, that draws on the talents and on the collective wisdom we have (38)inherited from all of our ancestors. When these three elements are in (39)balance-the protection of our land, economic development and the full (40) participation of all our people, then I believe economic development can be sustainable.
  Residents of this land are proud of their natural and cultural heritage, their strong relationship to the (41) landscape and to its resources, their communities, their wildlife, and their rich and important history. Our Territorial Parks not only (42) demonstrate and protect these important natural and cultural areas, but they (43) celebrate them and proudly show them locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.
  Only through wise use and careful management will the value of this land's wildlife be maintained for the benefit of future generations. (44) Successful management requires a cooperative and coordinated effort on the part of government and resource users. This is the founding principle of co-management.
  Our economy is an exciting mix of new growth driven by markets we don't control, and our traditional way of life. (45) Our connections to the land, which we call the traditional economy, are often overlooked by outside observers assessing this land's wealth and economic future.
  Climatic change has been called the most important environmental issue the world has ever faced. And, (46) scientists are now projecting with some level of confidence that the warming of our Earth's climate will be much greater in our polar regions. We are doing our part by working towards the development and implementation of a strategy to address climate change in this land.

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