
www.zige365.com 2009-9-8 14:28:59 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

    Q: What does the woman mean?
  【解析】选[C]。I love summer weather, but there is a limit表明女士喜欢hot weather,但她认为太多闷热潮湿的天气会令人不爽(Too much can be unpleasant),选项[C]正确。

  12. M: I'm trying to find someone to come with me to the new sculpture exhibit in the art museum on Saturday.
    W: I'm not too crazy about art myself, but what about Mary? She's taking an art history course and seems to be enjoying it.
    Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?
  【解析】选[B]。be crazy about指喜好某事物,I'm not too crazy about art myself表明女士不想陪男士去看雕塑展,but what about Mary?则表示她建议男士邀请其他人陪他一起去。

  13. M: Now suppose I was to stay at home and do all the housework and look after the children while my wife went out to work. What would you think about that?
  W: If I'm going to be logical, no.
  Q: What does the woman mean?
  【解析】选[C]。男士假设他整天待在家里做家务、照看孩子,而他的妻子出去工作,问女士对此有什么想法。If I'm going to be logical, no表明女士认为男士的假设是不合逻辑的(illogical)。

  14. W: These tomatoes are huge and fat. You must have watered and fertilized them a lot.
    M: Yes, I did. They ought to be ripe enough to pick by the next Friday when we have our party.
    Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place?
  【解析】选[D]。男士说等下周五聚会的时候西红柿就该熟透了,再结合女士话中的These tomatoes 及watered and fertilized them推断,两人应是在花园里针对西红柿植株展开对话的,因此选[D]。

  15. M: I'm really enjoying that literature with Professor Benson. Was the lecture this morning interesting?
    W: To tell you the truth, I was so exhausted from staying up last night to finish the reading that I didn't get much out of it.
    Q: What does the woman mean?
  【解析】选[B]。so exhausted...that I didn't get much out of it说明女士太疲倦了,所以没怎么听Professor Benson讲的课。so...that...结构与too...to...结构意思相同,exhausted ≈ tired,get out of ≈ learn from,因此选项[B]正确。stay up意为"熬夜"。

  16. M: I'm sorry, Miss. You'll have to come with us. Hidden cameras have detected what you have done. Leave the merchandise here.
    W: I'll come along, but I assure you that I can prove my innocence.
    Q: Where does this conversation most likely take place?
  【解析】选[A]。结合男士话中的Hidden cameras (隐形摄像头)和merchandise(商品)推测,对话应该是发生在商店里,场景是男士怀疑女士偷了商店里的东西。

 17. W: I don't know why, but since I saw Williams on TV, I don't feel so bad about myself now.
   M: Well, they say laughter is the best medicine.
   Q: What can be inferred about the show the woman just watched?
  【解析】选[B]。男士话中的they指Williams一家人,即电视节目中的人物。they say laughter is the best medicine表明这档节目很滑稽(funny);since I saw Williams on TV, I don't feel so bad about myself now说明这档节目很令人鼓舞(inspiring)。

  18. M: Did you see that new art work? You know that poster they just put up in the cafeteria; I wonder whose bright idea that was.

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