
www.zige365.com 2009-9-8 14:00:13 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

Where there is a real or imaginary threat to economic security, this is especially likely to inflame group prejudice. It is important to remember economic factors if we wish to lessen prejudice between groups, because unless they are dealt with directly it will be little use simply advising people not to be prejudiced against other groups whom they see as their rivals, if not their enemies.

57. Which of the following does the author see as the chief source of prejudice?

A) The distorted ideas which are believed as statement of fact.
B) Fear that personal interest will be invaded.
C) The dispute which is favorable to the opponents not one's own part.
D) The concepts that a community takes for granted.

58. What part do newspapers and radio play in inter-communal relationships?

A) They educate people not to look jealously at each other
B) They cause further prejudice among audience.
C) They discuss interesting problems in more details
D) They draw the audience's attention to prejudice.

59. What's the subject of paragraph 2?沪江四六级 http://cet.hjenglish.com

A) How to eliminate our prejudice.
B) The pressure of social opinion.
C) The role of education to children.
D) Social forces that strengthen our bias

60. Which of the following can be used to describe the author's opinion about prejudice?

A) It is a difficult problem to solve.
B) It can be done away with.
C) It is an evil state of mind.
D) It should be criticized.

61. What's the author's purpose of writing this article?

A) To analyze social prejudice between social groups.
B) To reveal the danger of social prejudice.
C) To blame the politicians for frightening the audience
D) To show some examples of people's prejudice.

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