
www.zige365.com 2009-9-8 13:55:25 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

64. He put forward a proposal _____ reason.
A. lack of B. void of C. deficient of D. sufficient of

65. This country should _____ macro-economic (宏观经济学) policies that help to reduce the rate of unemployment.
A. experiment B. implement C. supplement D. complement

66. The chairman felt that it was his place to _____ the disagreement between two of his committee members.
A. keep out of B. let go C. left behind D. flared up at

67. This machine _____ the take-off and landing of an aircraft.
A. stimulates B. simulates C. pretend D. buffer

68. The chairman felt that it was his place to _____ the disagreement between two of his committee members.
A. refrain from B. intervene in C. interfere in D. penetrate into

69. From an _____ point of view it's a nice design.
A. ethnic B. ethical C. exotic D. aesthetic

70. During the ten thousand miles journey across the desert, several men dropped with _____.
A. recession B. concession C. wreck D. fatigue

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