
www.zige365.com 2009-3-17 10:14:52 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

Part Ⅴ Error Correction (15 minutes)

The Seattle Times Company is one newspaper firm that
has recognized the need for change and done something
about it. In the newspaper industry, papers must reflect the
diversity of the communities to which they provide
information. It must reflect that diversity with their news _____________ 62
coverage or risk losing their readers' interest and their
advertisers' support. Operating within Seattle, which has 20
percents racial minorities, the paper has put into place _____________ 63
policies and procedures for hiring and maintain a diverse _____________ 64
workforce. The underlying reason for the change is that for
information to be fair, appropriate, and subjective, it should _____________ 65
be reported by the same kind of population that reads it.
A diversity committee composed of reporters, editors,
and photographers meets regularly to value the Seattle _____________ 66
Times' content and to educate the rest of the newsroom staff
about diversity issues. In an addition, the paper instituted a _____________ 67
content audit(审查)that evaluates the frequency and
manner of representation of woman and people of color in _____________ 68
photographs. Early audits showed that minorities were
pictured far too infrequently and were pictured with a
disproportionate number of negative articles. The audit has
resulted from improvement in the frequency of majority _____________ 69
representation and their portrayal in neutral or positive _____________ 70
situations. And, with a result, the Seattle Times has _____________ 71
improved as a newspaper. The diversity training and content
audits helped the Seattle Times Company to win the
Personnel Journal Optimas Award for excellence in
managing change.

Part Ⅵ Translation(5 minutes)

72. It was essential that _____________________________________ (我们在月底前签订合同).

73. To our delight, she ______________________________ (进大学一个月就适应了校园生活).

74. The new government was accused _____________________ (未实现其降低失业率的承诺).

75. The workmen think _______________________________________ (遵守安全规则很重要).

76. The customer complained that no sooner ___________________________ (他刚试着使用这台机器, 它就不运转了).

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