
www.zige365.com 2009-12-17 14:22:14 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
By now you know that -1- your money's worth is not just a matter of luck.It is more often the -2- of buying skill.-3-,even the smartest consumers are sometimes fooled into thinking they are getting their money's worth -4- they are not.At one time or another,almost everyone experiences deception in the marketplace.The deception may not be -5-.But,intentional or not,any kind of deception -6- consumer's pocketbooks.Some kinds endanger their health and safety as well. -7-, consumers need protection against the marketing of unsafe goods and false or misleading advertising.Fortunately, there are both public and -8- agencies working to meet the need.

Government's job in a free enterprise system is to protect the public interest.The public is -9- entirely of consumers.When it -10- to protecting consumers, therefore, government has the -11- influence. -12- most consumer products are sold -13-, the major responsibility for consumer protection is -14- by the federal government. Thatresponsibility, however, is -15- by many agencies. For example, the US Postal Service works to uncover and stop dishonest -16- operated by mail. The National Highway Safety Bureau is -17- with all aspects of automobile safety. Certain federal agencies, however,have consumer protection as one of their chief purposes. Four of these are described below.

Most federal agencies are known -18- their initials. FDA stands for the Food and Drug Administration, which probably does more to protect consumers than any other agency.Its major concern is the safety, purity,and labeling of -19-,drugs,and cosmetics.These are the products -20- which consumers spend an estimated 38%of their incomes.

1. [A] letting [B] making [C] getting [D] becoming

2. [A] consequence [B] method [C] reason  [D] result

3. [A] Therefore[B] Nevertheless [C] Furthermore [D] Besides

4. [A] as  [B] when [C] since[D] even

5. [A] intentional [B] deadly [C] dangerous[D] harmful

6. [A] hurts[B] ruins [C] spoils  [D] injures

7. [A] Generally[B] Similarly [C] Obviously[D] Exceptionally

8. [A] personal [B] private [C] secret  [D] state
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