
www.zige365.com 2009-10-29 9:33:21 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
Directions:You’re going to hear three short passages.Each will be read only once .At the end of each passage you’ll hear some questions.After you hear a question , you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D).Then mark your answer.
Passage 1
Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you’ve just heard.
11.A)Trialproducing smaller cars to replace the bigger ones that are used today.
B)Massproducing some kinds of cars for tomorrow.
C)Trying to make some new style vehicles that would be faster and safer than the ones used today.
D)Designing some cars that would have many advantages over the ones used today.

12.A)They are pretty,safe and cheap.
B)They are cheap and durable.
C)They are safe,cheap and clean.
D)They are powerful,beautiful and easy to drive.

13.A)Both the big and small cars have some defects.
B)The speaker is fully optimistic that the new cars will replace the cars in use today.
C)The number of cars in use today should be reduced because of the pollution in cities.
D)Gasoline is a pollutant,so other kinds of fuel should be found to replace it.

Passage 2
Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you’ve just heard.
14.A)Prepare breakfast.
B)Have a cup of tea to refresh themselves.
C)Set out for their daily destination.
D)Look for a suitable place for breakfast.

15.A)Swimming and resting.
B)Writing diaries.
C)Watching birds.
D)Catching insects.

16.A)They encouraged the team members when they were in danger and difficulties and took care of them.
B)They cooked for them.
C)They explored the route for them.
D)They discussed future plans with them.

Passage 3
Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you’ve just heard.
17.A)He was afraid that he might be too far away from the shore.
B)He was afraid of drowning in the sea.
C)He was afraid that the tide might suddenly set in.
D)He was afraid that the tide would wet his shoes and trousers.

18.A)He was tired of the sea,having lived near it for years.
B)He had had some terrifying experiences on the sea.
C)He knew the sea too well to like it.
D)He couldn’t swim well.

19.A)The weather was nice and the sea was calm.
B)He wanted to humor his children.
C)He was in a very good mood that day.
D)The bay looked exceptionally beautiful that day.

20.A)The sea can hardly be trusted even on a fine day.
B)It is not safe for people to go boating in the open sea.
C)People who know the sea well do not like it.
D)Mr Wilmot wouldn’t want to go to the sea any more.

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