
www.zige365.com 2008-6-26 11:54:29 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心


  Part I Model Essay

  Recently, there is going on a hot debate on some website’s bbs, arguing which is better ---- to go to work after graduation or to go to pursue one’s postgraduate degree, which is really not easy to give a prompt answer to.

  As for such a question, different people hold different views. Someone believes that to step out of the campus to work is a better choice because it can greatly assist the students to experience the real life, acquiring more practical working experiences, thus to get maturer soon. While among the discussion, there also sounds an opposite voice, which says to seek a higher degree is more important for the young people

  As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter. Why , you may wonder ? For one thing,I have always been under the impression that academic study is the most important thing for the young. Life seems long but the study time is quite limited and it needs one’s active thought, good memory, and even the adequate energy, all of which are what the young ones most boast of. For the other, a higher degree can be greatly instrumental for a college student to find a job.

  Part II




  8. Small differences in production cost.

  9. The combination of railroads and the telegraph.

  10. Adopt Japanese manufacturing methods

  Part III

  11-18 ACAAADAD

  19-21 DAC 22-25 DBAB

  26-35 DBC DAB BCCA

  36. Feared

  37. Rank

  38. Including

  39. Developing

  40. Prizes

  41. Accomplishments

  42. Considered

  43. Manners

  44 This impression may be created when visitors notice young Americans asking questions and arguing with older people.

  45 It is vital to remember that it is the person’s ideas that are being questioned, not the individual himself.

  46. So that the work of the business can progress in the most effective manner possible.

  Part IV

  47-56 N J H E A M K F O D

  57-66 C D A D C A C D D B

  Part V

  67-71 A C A D B B C D B A

  72-76 C D C B A B A C D D

  Part VI

  87.preparing for her examination

  88.and we could have caught the last train

  89.did he arrive at the sports ground

  90.that he realized he had forgotten his ticket

  91.lest they should be attacked by wild animals

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