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2006年英语专业四级模拟考试试题(环球时代) 2007-11-12 14:45:59 点击:发送给好友 到论坛发表评论 添加到收藏夹


There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

Mark your answers on your answer sheet.

51. Simple ________ the cartoon is, the meaning it conveys is deep and thought-provoking.

A. until B. as C. much D. despite

52. It’s reasonable to imagine that prehistoric people _____________________ a simple life.

A. would have lived B. needed to have lived

C. must have lived D. ought to have lived

53. It is high time the country _______________ its political bands that have connected it with its neighboring country.

A. dissolved B. resolved C. scattered D. determined

54. They are given some rights that the Laws of Nature ________________ them.

A. confirm B. deserve C. entitle D. discharge

55. The Declaration of Independence says “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created ______________.”

A. to become equal B. equal C. equally D. being equal

56. Lincoln says in his famous speech that “the government of the people, by the people and for the people shall never ________________ from the earth.”

A. expire B. inspire C. perish D. repel

57. The girl was __________________ in Africa and was born in America.

A. conceived B. pregnant C. educated D. baptized

58. The word “renaissance” was ____________________ from Latin meaning “rebirth”.

A. come B. derived C. originated D. descended

59. They flunked the exam _____________ because they failed to prepare for it.

A. extremely B. largely C. trivially D. radically

60. As a proverb goes, “more __________, less speed.”

A. haste B. hurry C. promptness D. anxiety

61. The road to the school was flooded yesterday. Let’s make a ________.

A. deviation B. digression C. detour D. departure

62. Do you think it is late to ________________ on a new career?

A. disembark B. embark C. remark D. assume

63. The baby cried hard because his hand was _______________ by the cat.

A. bruised B. scratched C. panted D. blurred

64. Blood _______________ slowly down his cheek.

A. trickled B. ticked C. leaked D. simmered

65. The professor paused, as if ________________what he said.

A. emphasize B. to emphasize C. being emphasized D. to be emphasized

66. We rushed to the station, ___________ to find that the train had already left.

A. just B. once C. only D. much as

67. _________________ John Kennedy put it, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

A. Which B. As C. While D. What

68. The scientist ______________ his success to his diligence and good luck.

A. contributed B. attributed C. distributed D. obliged

69. The child has been _________ by his parents who allow him to do anything he likes.

A. spoiled B. ruined C. destroyed D. blamed

70. John failed his chemistry exam ______________his teacher’s assistance.

A. despite of B. regardless of C. for all D. in spite

71. Fortunately, the disabled boy was ______________ with some talent for languages.

A. endowed B. entitled C. granted D. admitted

72. They are ordered to be present at the important meeting, _______________.

A. rain or shine B. more or less C. sooner or later D. for good

73. It was the last _______________ that broke the camel’s back.

A. brick B. straw C. candle D. whip )

74. I cannot produce a meal at such short _______.

A. report B. schedule C. warning D. notice

75. _____________she arrived home, she set about preparing a meal.

A. Immediately B. Simultaneously C. Presumably D. Efficiently

76. A lady _______________have too many hats.

A. may B. cannot C. should not D. might not

77. The couple promise to stick to each other ___________ thick and thin.

A. through B. between C. by means of D. vie

78. Rumor _____________ that the lady was murdered by her husband.

A. says it B. has it C. spreads D. circulates

79. The doctor prescribed some painkillers for his ______________ headache.

A. splitting B. cracking C. leaking D. sinking

80. It’s not easy for a layman to _______________ the minute difference between the two terminologies.

A. describe B. discern C. locate D. discover

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