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英语四级考试模拟试题及答案一 2007-11-12 14:43:44 点击:发送给好友 到论坛发表评论 添加到收藏夹


Part I Tapescript of Listening Comprehension
Section A

1.W: Did you tell Steve about our meeting?
  M: Whatever I tell him goes in one ear and comes out of the other.
  Q: What does the man mean?
2.M: How did you enjoy your three-week tour of Africa?
  W: I just loved every minute of it.
  Q: What do you know about the woman?
3.M: Did Bill have any plans to buy a house?
  W: Hardly. A house is beyond his means.
  Q: What is true about Bill?
4.W: Do you know Susan Evans?
  M: That name rings a bell, but I’m not sure.
  Q: What do you learn from this conversation?
5.W: Did you turn off the lights and check the locks on all the doors and windows?
  M: Yes, and I told the neighbors we’d be gone for two weeks. They’ll keep an eye on the house for us.
  Q: Where are the man and woman going?
6.M: I’d like to buy that pen and pencil set. It’s $ 29.50 and I only have $ 14.00.
  W: I can lend you some money. Let’s see, how much do you need?
  Q: How much does the man need to borrow to buy the pen and pencil set?
7.W: Would you like to come mountain climbing with us?
  M: That’s the last thing in the world that I ever want to do.
  Q: What does the man mean?
8.W: Will these shoes wear well?
  M: Absolutely. They are our most expensive shoes, and as you can see, the materials and workmanship are excellent.
  Q: Who is the man?
9.M: This cake is delicious. Where did you buy it?
  W: It’s my own creation. It’s something like my mother’s chocolate cake.
  Q: Who made the cake?
10.M: It’s much better to wait until tomorrow to go. Don’t you agree?
   W: Yes, I couldn’t agree more.
   Q: What does the woman think?
Section B
    After retiring from 30 years of teaching, Ethbell Pepper could easily have decided to sit back and  relax and enjoy a peaceful retirement. But that kind of life is not for Ethbell Pepper. “I just wanted to do something different. If you are going to participate in life, do it. Don’t just sit down and look out the window.” She says. At 68, she decided to become one of the pioneer participants in a program at the University of California. The program offers   campus housing and classes to people over sixty. She   enrolled  in a class called Human Relationships and  Diverse  Society.  “I taught my minority students in my English and drama classes in a high  school for 20 years. But in this course, I found out a lot about other cultures I didn’t know then. One of the most important lessons that I’m learning is to perceive, not to judge.”
    Older adults can add to the educational resources of the university by bringing with them a lot of valuable experience. Their presence on campus helps break some of long beliefs about aging. Young students may have fears of growing older. But that kind of fear can be reduced as they see that older people can be active, healthy, and continue to contribute to society. The younger students can begin to see aging as a natural part of living.
Part II  Reading Comprehension
11.主旨题 该题要求学生总结文章的主题。文章主要写了银行发展的两个方面:一是银行的外在建筑风格,过去的银行通常有heavy walls, barred windows 以及bronze doors,给人以非常可靠、放心踏实的感觉;二是银行的功能转变。选项B正是恰当的概括,所以应该是正确答案。文章并无涉及现在和过去对钱的价值比较,所以A项“钱不如过去值钱”不对。文章也没有对比哪种建筑风格更好,所以C项 “过去的银行的建筑风格比现代银行的建筑风格更好”也不对。D项说“偏见使得老一辈人认为现代银行不可靠”,不符合文章意思。

12.细节归纳题 问题问老一代人与年轻一代人对钱的认识态度是什么?老一代人的看法可以从第三段开头看出:“In his generation money was thought of as a real commodity that....”年轻一代对钱的看法可以从第四段第四行至第六行,尤其是“....he offers us a service in which the most valuable element is the creativity for the invention of large numbers.”从上可以归纳出D项为该题的正确答案。

13.语义题 该题较容易,只要参阅第三段“commodity”后的定语从句“that could be carried, or stolen.”这实际上就是解释老一代人对钱的看法,他们认为钱是可以被携带或被偷走,也就是可以能摸得到的实实在在的东西,C项正确。

14.细节推论题 问题问现代银行应该具有什么功能?四选项的意思分别是:A)“充满雄心且友好”;B)“可靠且威力无穷”;C)“明智且不可穿越”;D)“富有想象且有创造性”。要回答这个问题,应定位在文章第四段,从中不难看出现代银行应该是富有想象力并且有创造力。

15.推论题 该题要求学生判断作者对银行的外在风格和功能的转变这一趋势的态度。最明确的提示应该是第四段开头“But the attitude toward money has, of course, changed.”随后进一步分析了现代银行不同于过去银行的功能,作者用了“creative imagination”, 可以看出其态度是肯定的。C项正确。

16.细节理解题 问题问“当她的丈夫离家出走时,Eileen Doyle怎么样?”根据第一段第三行“They had been a happy family and, as far as she knew, there had been nothing wrong with their marriage.” (他们一直是幸福的家庭,就Eileen Doyle所知,他们的婚姻没有丝毫问题。)可以断定C)“(她)不明白为什么”应该是正确答案。其余三项均不符合文章意思。

17.细节理解题 问题问“离开家庭的大多数人”。该题较简单,解题依据应该是文章第二段,其大意为:一年中的每一天都有一小帮男人和女人悄然收拾几件行李,没有留下任何纸条或说一声再见,最后一次关上前门离家出走了,把他们的债务、他们的忧虑、还有迷惑不解的家庭抛在身后。A项正确。< BR>
18.细节推论题 问题的题干应该在第四段开头,所以答案在此之后“...Worse than that, ... an unfinished marriage,... wait seven years before...”C项“感到尴尬和无用 ”正是这种意思。

19.细节理解题 依据第五段第二行“It’s typical of the kind of personality which seems able to ignore other people’s pain and difficulties.”B 项说“这是一种自私行为”,为正确答案。A)“这是种绝望行为”;C)“这是突然决定的结果” ;D)“这是沉重负疚感的结果”。

20.细节推论题 A项说“男人女人离家出走是为了交流”与文中最后一段第二句矛盾。依据是文章最后一段最后三行“Men are more often prepared to give their marriage another try than women, but we are aware that, for some wives, it would be a total impossibility to return after the way they’ve been treated.”C的意思正是“做妻子的在饱受折磨后再也不可能重回家园”的批论。D)“害怕重新结婚”不同于“重回家园”,或“重续前婚”。

21.细节理解题 问题问“英国人具有不同性格的一种解释是”。依据第一段第二句“It is claimed that living on an island separated from the rest of Europe has much to do with it.”意思是:英国人与其他民族之所以很不相同,这与居住在一个与欧洲隔离开来的岛上有很大关系。所以答案应该是A项。

22.语义题 根据该词出现的语境,具体说该词的上文:“...the Englishman is a quiet, shy, reserved person among people he knows well.”从中了解到在熟人面前,英国人都是害羞、沉静、寡言的,那么见到陌生人,可知他们必定是拘束的、不放松的。所以B项应该是正确答案。

23.推断题 文章第二段中引述的“进入车厢时应同所有旅客握手”只是一句戏言,作者的实际意思正好相反,一个人不能违背英国那一套行为规矩。所以D项为正确答案。

24.推论题 文章第三段说“英国人很少公开表露极端的热情和情感,尽管英国人并不比其他民族的人感受少。”随后所举的英国人的谦虚、淡漠的表达方式表明英国人表现情感很节制,所以C项为正确答案。

25.主旨题 文章主要谈了英国人缄默,情感不外露的性格及其原因。B项是恰如其分的概括。A项范围太范,C项只是局部,不足以概括全文,D项范围太大。

26.细节判断题 依据为第一段第三行“...are to be found in our past experiences, which are brought into the present by memory.”

27.细节判断题 本题考查学生对事实的辨认。A、B、D诸项文章均提及,只有C项没有提到。

28.细节归纳题 文章在第三段比较了电脑与人两者都有很大的记忆量,但相对人脑的记忆力而言,那只是很少的一部分(a fraction of the total amount),言下之意,人类优于电脑。D项为正确答案。

29.细节理解题 问题问“作者认为人类的记忆量的主要特征是什么?”根据最后一段内容可知:人的大部分记忆都通过词语完成的,它扩大了人的记忆量的数量和种类。

30.细节理解题 问题问“人类是依靠哪一点和其他动物区别开来的?”该题较简单。依据是文章最后一句“It may will be this capacity that distinguishes humans, setting them apart from other animals.”

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