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英语四级考试模拟试题及答案二 2007-11-12 14:41:31 点击:发送给好友 到论坛发表评论 添加到收藏夹
Part III Vocabulary
31.【考点】动词辨析C) advance“推进;提出” advance a theory提出一种理论;A) promote“提升;增进”;B) enhance“提高,增强”,enhance one’s confidence增强信心; D) conceive“构想;怀胎”,conceive an idea想出一个主意。

32.【考点】形容词辨析A) Elaborate“详尽的;精心计划的” an elaborate design精心的设计;B) Graceful“优美的;得体的” seek a graceful exit寻求体面的退出; C) royal“皇家的,王室的”;D) tedious“冗长乏味的”
33.【考点】副词辨析rarely 和seldom表示“很少”,都是频度副词,不能用于本句,再说两词意义、用法相同,也不能成为答案。scar cely为程度副词,意为“几乎不”,为正确答案。

34.【考点】名词辨析四选项的意思分别为:A )restraints“束缚,约束”;B)stains“污点”;C)scarcity“稀少”;D)barriers“障碍”;根据句子的前因后果,只能填入barriers一词。
35.【考点】动词辨析D) refute“驳斥;否认…的正确性 ”,refute an argument驳斥一种论点;A) deny“否认;拒绝某人要求”deny sb. admission 拒绝某人入场;B) reject“拒绝;拒绝考虑”He was rejected for the navy because he is sea sick.由于晕船他未被海军录取。C) object“反对,不赞成”,后接介词to或宾语从句。

36.【考点】副词辨析D) virtually“几乎,差不多;实际上”;A) relevantly“有关地;适宜地”;B) externally“外部地,外表地 ”;C) utterly“完全地,彻底地”utterly ignorant of sth.对…全然不知。

37.【考点】动词辨析A、C项属形近动词。四选词的意思分别是:A)withdraw“抑制,制止”;B)hold“拿,坚持,抱”;它不能和from搭配;C )withhold“抑制,制止”;D)refrain“抑制,忍住”。

38.【考点】介词短语辨析in the event of 表示“万一,如果,一旦”;in the course of 表示“在…过程中,在 …期间”;in the place of中,冠词多余,也不符合本句意义;in the light of表示“根据,按照”,如:in the light of customers根据顾客的要求。

39.【考点】形容词辨析D) temporary“ 暂时的,临时的”;A) consistent“一贯的,一致的”;B) partial“部分的;偏心的”;C) internal“内部的;固有的”。

40.【考点】as用法as可连接表示方式,再根据主句中动词“prompted ”一词,所以答案为as did。

41.【考点】短语辨析B) rest on近似于depend on, rely on或be based on;A)put forward“提出;推荐” put sb. forward as a candidate推举某人为候选人;C) make for“走向,扑向;有助于”;D) conjured up“想象,想出”conjure up the happy past想起幸福的往事。

42.【考点】动词词组辨析A) get across“被理解,被接受”;B) come around“复苏,康复;顺便来访”;C) go by“(时间)过去;遵守,遵循” go by traffic rules遵守交通规则;D) make out“开出;辨认出;理解”。

43.【考点】短语动词辨析feel like表示“想要”,后面只能接动名词;tend to“倾向于,往往”,后接动词原形;be inclined to “倾向于,欲”,后接动词原形;make for“向/朝…走去”。

44.【考点】短语动词辨析pull through “使渡过难关,康复”;pull up“停下,停”;pull back“拉回”;pull out“拔出”。

45.【考点】比较从句该题较难理解。根据句中more一词选择than填入空格,后面所接的句子中省略句子主语it。再如:You have made more efforts than is necessary

46.【考点】动词辨析四个选词均为形近动词,但意思不同。confess“承认”;c onfirm“证明,证实,确认”;confuse“使迷惑”;confine“限定,限制,困在”,后接to。

47.【考点】形近动词辨析四选词的意思分别是:A)resist“抵抗,抵制”;B)insist“坚持,坚持认为”; C)persist“坚持,持续”;D)assist“协助,帮助”。

48.【考点】名词辨析D) peak“山峰;顶点”at the peak of one’s success在成就的顶峰;A) glamour“魅力;诱惑力”;B) extreme“尽头,末端”in the extreme极其;C) bloom“开花;青春焕发”in the bloom of youth风华正茂。

49.【考点】动词辨析B)confirm“证实;确认;批准 ”;A) locate“找出,查到”;C)reinforce“增强,加强”;D) qualify“使具有资格,使胜任”This experience qualified him for a promotion.这次经历使他有资格得到晋升。

50.【考点】动词辨析A) diminish“减少”,但不能和from构成搭配;B) withdraw“撤消,撤退”;C) eliminate“去除,消除”;D) abandon“放弃,抛弃”。

51.【考点】短语辨析A) in conclusion表示“在结束时,最后”;B) or rather表示“更准确地说”;C) on the whole表示“总的说来”;D) by and large表示“大体上,总的来说”。

52.【考点】介词词组辨析A) live beyond one’s means“入不敷出”;B) out of place“不合适的,不恰当的”;C) at one’s leisure“在某人空闲时或方便时”;D) around the clock“连续一整天或一昼夜”work around the clock昼夜连续工作。

53.【考点】名词辨析四选词的含义分别为:A)a view“一种观点;一个景色”;B)a vision“一种见解,远见”;C)an insight“一种洞察力”;D)a sight“视力;视界,视野”;根据句意答案应是an insight, give sb. an insight into sth意思为“使某人洞察到或深刻体察到某事物”。
    【译文】Banda 总统当医生的背景使他洞察到这个国家面临的健康问题。

54.【考点】形近名词辨析at titude“态度”,应与介词to/towards搭配;aptitude“才能,天资”;appetite“胃口,欲望 ”;altitude“高度,海拔”。

55.【考点】连词辨析so that表示目的;in that为复合连词,表示“由于,因为”,同because一词;for 后不能用that从句。

56.【考点】同源动词辨析首先区分一下词性,A、B两词为不及物动词,C、D两词为及物动词。再区分各词的词义:A)rose“升起,起来;起床,上升,上涨 ”;B)arose“出现,产生,起来”;C)aroused“激起,引起”;D)raised“抬起,举起,提高;筹(钱);抚养”。

57.【考点】近义形容词辨析四选词的意思分别是:A)regular “有规律的,同期的,定期的”;B)ordinary“普通的,平常的”;C)average“平均的,一般标准的”;D)normal“正常状态的,通常的”。

58.【考点】短语动词辨析give away“泄露(秘密),出卖”;give out“分发”;give off“发出(光,热,气)”;give over“交,托” 。

59.【考点】介词辨析介词over有许多用法和许多含义,其中一种意思就是 “在…期间”,类似in the course of。

60.【考点】动词辨析alter表示“改变,改装,修改”,名词为alteration;modify表示“修改,修饰”,名词为modification;adapt表示 “使适应,改编”,名词为adaptation;adopt表示“采纳,收养”,名词为adoption。

Part IV  Translation

Part V  Writing
Model Essay

Is Frustration a Bad Thing?

    According to The New Oxford Dictionary of English, frustration, by definition, means the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something. Since frustration seems to be a negative feeling, some people may be tempted to think that frustration is bad for people. They believe that constant frustration may cause serious mental health problems . People suffering from such psychological problems often resort to violence or suicide, which poses a big threat to the people around them and thus causes instability to the whole society.
    However, others hold a different view. They maintain that it is rather beneficial to people. It goes side by side with success. It inspires people to overcome hardships and difficulties and achieve the final success. People with this view even go so far as to say that no frustration, no success. They often cite Thomas Edison as a case in point.
    From my perspective, frustration itself can not be regarded as good or bad. It is people’s approach to it that matters a lot. Frustration is part of our life experience. In our process of growing up, we may inevitably experience it when confronted with situations that don’t come up to our expectations. It is a test of our courage when it befalls on us. If we let it control us, we may fall into the abyss of being inflicted by serious psychological problems. But if we harness it and take it as our source of inspiration, we may ultimately enjoy the glory of success. Therefore, it is safe to say that it is improper to view frustration as good or bad and that it is our attitude toward it that makes much difference

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