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大学英语四级预测模拟试卷及答案3 2007-11-12 14:38:27 点击:发送给好友 到论坛发表评论 添加到收藏夹

41.He is among those lucky students who have won ____ to firstrate university.
A.permission B.admittance C.profession D.admission
42.Mathematics as well as other subjects ____ a science.
A.was C.are D.belong to
43.We should ____ our human and material resources if we are to succeed
in the joint venture.
A.pour B.plunge C.pool D.pick
44.I would appreciate ____ it a secret.
A.your keeping B.that you keep
 to keep D.that you will keep
45.Some old people don’t like pop songs because they can’t ____ so much
A.resist B.tolerate C.sustain D.undergo
46.I’ll lend you my cassette recorder ____ I’ve done with it.
A.every time B.the moment C.until D.lest
47.I ____ several interesting facts about Mexico in that book.
A.came to B. came into C.came over D.came across
48.The seeingeye dog was the blind man’s ____ companion.
A.continual B.consistent C.constant D.continuous
49.Getting up is an everyday ____.
A.happening B.occurrence C.incident D.event
50.We are not ____ to veto(否定) our own proposals.
A.likely B.possible C.probable D.potential
51.This is ____ the first time you have been late.
A.under no circumstances B.on no account
 no means D.for no reason
52.Can you ____ me on the phone by the sound of my voice?
A.make up B.make over C.make out D.make off
53.The mechanic examined the car engine ____ but could find nothing wrong with it.
A.throughout B.exactly C.thoroughly D.altogether
54.Mr. Smith used to work the night ____ in a power plant.
A.stretch B.shift C.time D.turn
55.I broke my relationship with Anne because she always found ____.
A.error B.mistake C.flaw D.fault
56.He failed again in the driving test. I don’t know why ____ he was so
 the earth B.on the earth
 earth D.on earth
57.Sally’s score on the exam is the lowest in the class. She ____ hard.
A.should have studied B.must have to study
C.must have studied D.needn’t have studied
58.If you ____ in taking this attitude, we’ll have to ask you to leave.
A.insist B.keep C.resist D.persist
59.In Britain, the best season of the year is probably ____ spring.
A.latter B.later C.last D.late
60.____ he was a regular customer, the boss allowed 10% discount off th
e prices of the goods.
A.Giving B.Given that
C.Giving that D.To give that
61.Like the old, ____ respected in our country.
A.the female is B.a female is
C.the female are D.female is
62.It was difficult to tell what her ____ to the news could be.
A.impression B.comment C.reaction D.opinion
63.American women were ____ the right to vote until 1920.
A.ignored B.denied C.rejected D.refused
64.No one can behave ____, completely regardless of social conventions.
 will random C.on purpose D.on easy
65.____ the advances of science, the discomforts of old age will no doubt always be with us.
A.As for B.Except C.In spite D.Despite
66.In his poems, he compared his little daughter ____ a flower.
 C.for
67.All flights ____ because of the heavy storm, we decided to take the

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